Hi Dennis, Aaron,

Firstly, Dennis, you may have missed that it is *Xorg *leaking in the *VRAM
*and not releasing it even* after my application is exited*/killed
I have been monitoring the RAM as well, it is fine and my application is
not leaking but somehow forces Xorg to allocate graphical memory that never
gets released.

> > I think you are looking at output from an nvidia tool and not memory
> > for the system and processes as a whole.
I'm using nvidia-smi as it is available on all system with the nvidia driver
I actually see the same behavior monitoring NVX_gpu_memory_info

> Based on Mathieu's email subject, it sounds like he's interested in how
> much GPU memory Xorg is using. The process data in /proc does not
> include GPU memory.

> Mathieu, when you say memory is leaked, do you mean that the memory
> usage increases each time you run myOpenGLQtBasedApp, or does it
> increase from 50 MB to 110 MB and then stay there even if you run the
> app again?
Each time I run and open/close QOpenGLWindow based widget, the graphical
memory usage
increase by 4Mb until it reaches 96% of the availlable VRAM.
It then actually starts to leak on RAM by a mechanism I just learned about
And then, once the RAM is full, OpenGL fails completelly.

> You can diagnose which clients are causing the server to allocate
> resources by running tools such as xrestop, xwininfo -tree -root, and
> xlsclients before and after running your app each time.
Here are my results on a test run using Xfce with compositor enabled.
nvidia-smi shows a 61Mb leak

xlsclient -l and xwininfo -tree -root outputs are strictly identical before
and after.
xrestop -b shows a slight increase of lees than a Mb all process
(see attached)

Note : Even after multiples runs and hundreds Mb of memory leaked reported
by nvidia-smi,
xrestop total memory usage does not increase.

> If you're still having trouble, you can email linux-b...@nvidia.com and
> we can try to help you out there.
I definitely will if we can't figure out what is going on.

Best regards,

Attachment: xrestop1.out
Description: Binary data

Attachment: xrestop0.out
Description: Binary data

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