> Oh, I see. I suggest you try writing some concrete code - learning this
in abstract can be tricky.
> Don't be afraid to rewrite it from scratch a few times. There is existing
source code from X examples
> and tools, as well as other libraries, such as gtk and Qt.

Dear Volodya,

dpn't you worry about me, I'm not that afraid — and have a tip from me in
return: don't be afraid to polish your programming skills by „rewriting
from scratch” — or by learning from some tutorials (google for them) —
maybe one day the program you'll send to someone as „remedy” will work as
intended (provided you won't forget again even such basic things, like
„includes”), and (who knows?) maybe one day you will be able even to play
an authority on these matters.

Until then — consider taking more modest stance, avoid „patronizing”,
especially when you're unable even to create a properly working few-liner
best :)

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