On Wed, 21 Nov 2001, hzeng wrote:

> Hi,
>     I'm writting a Xv driver. I meet a trouble and I don't know how to
> deal with it. When two app useing Xv
> are running at the same time, such as Xine, they all use the my PutImage
> founction, and they send the Xv driver with the same port index, so they
> will do the same thing use my Xv driver and they will rap resource.I
> don't know where and how to differ the two Xine which are running in my
> Xv driver, so I have to watch them rendering in the screen disorderly
> but do nothing.How can I deal with these situation?
> Thanks a lot!
> Hzeng

   This is an application bug.  Apps are supposed to Grab the
port when they want to use it so noone else can.  When an app
tries to grab the port and finds that it is already grabbed
it will know that it is in use and it should fall back to some
other method to display the video.   When the apps do not grab
the port they are using, continual preempting of each other's
video is the expected behavior.


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