On Wed, 21 Nov 2001, Daniel Secrieru wrote:

>     Ok, guys, here the thing with 'activate': 'activate' is when a window is
> activated, that is when it's the current active window (that has the focus).
>     As you all now, you can only have one active window at a time; in
> Windows is the window with the blue title bar, while an inactive window has
> a grey title bar. You can get an inactive window by simply clicking into
> another window or outside the active window, on the desktop.
>     This is not equivalent with Raise/setTopmost stuff, as you can have an
> active window, which is obscured by another, inactive, window set as
> topMost, or above the active one, in Z order.
>     Is there any function in X11 for activating a window? Maybe XMapWindow
> could serve this purpose, although the window that I want to activate is
> already mapped and visible?

   See the man page on XSetInputFocus, though I don't know how this
interacts with the window manager.


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