On Fri, 2001-12-28 at 00:50, M.G. Houtman wrote:

> I am using the above (subject) card for a while now. I've got everything 
> working very well, the support for this card is great.
> However, when I have accel turned on (using DRI), I get weird artifacts 
> during large screen updates, like scrolling pages or moving (opaque) windows. 
> Even though I took this for granted, I think this is not the way to go.

Certainly not. :)

> The artifacts are white dots and stripes on the right of the screen. This 
> happens only in modes above 640x480, but I think this is because in lower 
> modes, the "snow" is outside of the screen. 
> Animated things on the screen, such as games or animated gifs, also make 
> the snow appear, even when other windows cover the animations up (this using 
> BlackBox windowmanager, haven't been able to try out others yet).
> When using 'Option "UseCCEFor2D" "false"' in the X config, this does not 
> appear (accel is turned off).

You mean "UseCCEFor2D" "true"? This option is disabled by default.

Please try current CVS or wait for 4.2.0 and see if it's still there.

Earthling Michel Dänzer (MrCooper)/ Debian GNU/Linux (powerpc) developer
XFree86 and DRI project member   /  CS student, Free Software enthusiast
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