Public Review
                of the Draft Standard
               of the Xinerama Extension
                to the X Window System,
                  sponsored by X.Org.

After its initial release, as part of X11R6.4, the Xinerama Extension
API and code base splintered as many different developers ported it to
their X Window System base.  The Xinerama task force of X.Org has been
working with a cross section of developers to create a new API that
the needs of all, to replace the various versions currently available.
The goal of this task force has been to create an API that can become an

X Window System standard.  The task force has been following the new
Standards process defined by X.Org.  The API is now at Stage 4 of that
process: Public Review.

The Xinerama extension provides a mechanism for a multi-headed system to

function as one large screen. Windows can span multiple screens and can
move from one screen to another.

The review period for this proposed standard ends July 26, 2002.
A mail list for discussion of the proposed standard has been created,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  This mail list is publicly
available, and archived on the project website.  The web site for this
project is  Further
documenation and code is available there.


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