Le lun 10/06/2002 à 12:16, Matti Airas a écrit :
> Hi,
> After struggling with ATI Radeon 7500 multihead setup, I purchased a
> second-hand Tseng Labs ET6000 to run the second head. All works fine and
> dandy (after I found the PCI/AGP preference setting in my BIOS), but for
> some reason Gnome applications seem to be awfully unstable in Xinerama.
> Despite my hunting, the reason for the problem evades me, but the
> symptoms are as follows: several applications (Evolution, Gnome Control
> Center, Ximian Red Carpet) fail to start properly. Window decorations,
> some menus and panes appear correctly, but the application immediately
> hangs (does not repaint the window) and has to be killed. Also some
> applications (such as Galeon) work, but freeze from time to time,
> whereas some others (such as Nautilus) work without a hitch.

I had similar problems (VERY annoying) and managed to work around them
by disabling the xfs font server. Since then it works quite well.

Just comment out the line:
FontPath        "unix/:7100"
int your X config file. The problem seems to be the X server/xfs
protocol which deadlocks when using some TrueType fonts in Xinerama
mode. I'm not an Xpert so I can't tell you more.

Good luck,

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