Attached are my XF86Config-4 and XFree86.0.log files.  I believe I
have correctly setup my XF86Config-4 file, however my second monitor
does not receive any signal.

I have tried disabling various modules, I have tried swapping monitors
and also I have tried various options (such as the DigitalScreen
option that is enabled in the version I am sending).

But no matter what I do, it seems like everything is ok, except for
the part where X would actually start talking to the second head and
set it up.  However, there are no directly related error messages
about why not :( .

The newbie list had directed me here, so I thought I would try you all
out.  I've been trying various settings for the past month with no
avail -- does anyone see what I'm doing wrong?


X 4.2.1
Debian unstable/sid (pre-release X packages)
CTX 17", Mitsubishi 17" (CRT/analog monitors)
ATI Radeon 7500 AGP card, with a digital->analog adaptor for the
second head.

I appreciate any and all help, thanks very much :) .

-Gryn (Adam Luter)
Xpert mailing list

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