I started running two X servers recently, and since then have had almost 
daily problems with X 4.2.0 corrupting the screen and crashing. Here are 
the two (presumably related) symptoms:

1) X will suddenly start displaying text outside of the windows in which 
the text is supposed to be displayed. E.g., my command line for a terminal 
will show up somewhere else on the screen, without the window being moved. 
Once this starts, X doesn't redraw properly. Restarting the X server 
eliminates the problem, but once it's happened it usually recurs within an 
hour or two. Strangely, this seems to happen only to me, not to my 
girlfriend, and only when we're both logged in.

2) X will lock out the keyboard and mouse. I can ssh in, but nothing I've 
tried works in restoring keyboard and mouse function, so I end up 
rebooting. Thus far, this has happened only when the computer has been idle 
for a while, e.g., when I'm gone or asleep, so I don't know whether there's 
anything to see when it happens.

Neither of these problems appear to leave anything interesting in the logs. 
What's going wrong here?

(Relevant?) System Details: RH 8.0, Voodoo 4, Sawfish and WindowMaker used 
as wm's.


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