Hello Charles and other members of Xplor-NIH,

I am attempting to calculate a structure of a heterodimer/complex consisting of 
a small peptide bound to a protein using Xplor-NIH and primarily NOE 
restraints. I am however experiencing some difficulties in providing a correct 
psf and/or pdb input (it appears). All of my attempts end up with an all 
"unknown atomic coordinates" error (details below), although the calculation 
finishes without "irregular exit" (but with a senseless result). The two 
proteins are described in a single psf and pdb file, with segid A and B.

Can anyone help me figure out the problem, or point me in the right 

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Region of Refine.py script for reading psf and pdb:

import protocol

command = xplor.command




xplor.simulation.deleteAtoms("not known")



Resulting in the followin output message:

refine.py(49): protocol.initStruct("xComplex.psf")
X-PLOR>struct reset end
 XPLOR: current counts (number in parenthesis is maximum)
NATOM=          0(MAXA=         200)  NBOND=          0(MAXB=           0)
NTHETA=         0(MAXT=           0)  NGRP=           0(MAXGRP=         0)
NPHI=           0(MAXP=           0)  NIMPHI=         0(MAXIMP=         0)
 NDON=           0(MAXPAD=         0)  NACC=           0(MAXPAD=         0)
NNB=            0(MAXNB=          0)
 X-PLOR>struct @xComplex.psf end
 ASSFIL: file 
/--/--/Data/NMR/--/Structure_calculations/XPLOR-NIH/--/--/xComplex.psf opened.
 REMARKS FILENAME="/--/--/Data/NMR/--/--/X"
REMARKS  TOPH11-MACRO for protein sequence
REMARKS DATE: 6-Oct-16  14:21:54       created by user: twv382
XPLOR: current counts (number in parenthesis is maximum)
NATOM=       1509(MAXA=        1600)  NBOND=       1520(MAXB=        1600)
NTHETA=      2756(MAXT=        3200)  NGRP=         625(MAXGRP=       800)
NPHI=         181(MAXP=         200)  NIMPHI=       764(MAXIMP=       800)
 NDON=           0(MAXPAD=       100)  NACC=           0(MAXPAD=       100)
NNB=          558(MAXNB=        800)
 STRUcture> end
refineKB_RSTdreb.py(62): protocol.loadPDB("xcomplex.pdb")
loading pdb file: xcomplex.pdb   [psf] initCoords: still 1509 unknown atomic 
refine.py(64): xplor.simulation.deleteAtoms("not known")
MAPIC: Atom numbers being modified
refine.py(66): protocol.updatePseudoAtoms()
refine.py(68): protocol.fixupCovalentGeom(maxIters=100,useVDW=1)

Example of parts of the generated psf (protein A: res 498-572, protein B: res 

1509 !NATOM
       1    A 498  MET  N    NH3   -0.100000       14.0070           0
       2    A 498  MET  HT1  HC     0.260000       1.00800           0
       3    A 498  MET  HT2  HC     0.260000       1.00800           0
       4    A 498  MET  HT3  HC     0.260000       1.00800           0
       5    A 498  MET  CA   CT     0.220000       12.0110           0
       6    A 498  MET  HA   HA     0.100000       1.00800           0
       7    A 498  MET  CB   CT    -0.200000       12.0110           0
       8    A 498  MET  HB1  HA     0.100000       1.00800           0
                           ...(etc etc)
    1238    A 572  SER  OG   OH    -0.680000       15.9990           0
    1239    A 572  SER  HG   H      0.400000       1.00800           0
    1240    A 572  SER  C    C      0.140000       12.0110           0
    1241    A 572  SER  OT1  OC    -0.570000       15.9990           0
    1242    A 572  SER  OT2  OC    -0.570000       15.9990           0
    1243    B 255  SER  N    NH3   -0.100000       14.0070           0
    1244    B 255  SER  HT1  HC     0.260000       1.00800           0
    1245    B 255  SER  HT2  HC     0.260000       1.00800           0
    1246    B 255  SER  HT3  HC     0.260000       1.00800           0
    1247    B 255  SER  CA   CT     0.220000       12.0110           0
    1248    B 255  SER  HA   HA     0.100000       1.00800           0
    1249    B 255  SER  CB   CT     0.800000E-01   12.0110           0
    1250    B 255  SER  HB1  HA     0.100000       1.00800           0
    1251    B 255  SER  HB2  HA     0.100000       1.00800           0
    1252    B 255  SER  OG   OH    -0.680000       15.9990           0
    1253    B 255  SER  HG   H      0.400000       1.00800           0
    1254    B 255  SER  C    C      0.480000       12.0110           0
    1255    B 255  SER  O    O     -0.480000       15.9990           0
    1256    B 256  SER  N    NH1   -0.360000       14.0070           0
    1257    B 256  SER  HN   H      0.260000       1.00800           0
    1258    B 256  SER  CA   CT      0.00000       12.0110           0
    1259    B 256  SER  HA   HA     0.100000       1.00800           0
                           ...(etc etc)

Example of parts of the generated pdb:

ATOM      1  N   MET A 498      -4.545  -0.208  -0.063  1.00  0.00
ATOM      2  HT1 MET A 498      -4.241  -0.222   0.930  1.00  0.00
ATOM      3  HT2 MET A 498      -5.420  -0.762  -0.168  1.00  0.00
ATOM      4  HT3 MET A 498      -4.719   0.774  -0.356  1.00  0.00
ATOM      5  CA  MET A 498      -3.479  -0.800  -0.920  1.00  0.00
ATOM      6  HA  MET A 498      -3.836  -1.725  -1.349  1.00  0.00
ATOM      7  CB  MET A 498      -3.130   0.180  -2.042  1.00  0.00
ATOM      8  HB1 MET A 498      -2.255   0.748  -1.766  1.00  0.00
ATOM      9  HB2 MET A 498      -3.960   0.852  -2.203  1.00  0.00
ATOM     10  CG  MET A 498      -2.845  -0.597  -3.329  1.00  0.00
ATOM     11  HG1 MET A 498      -3.452  -0.202  -4.130  1.00  0.00
ATOM     12  HG2 MET A 498      -3.082  -1.640  -3.180  1.00  0.00
ATOM     13  SD  MET A 498      -1.095  -0.431  -3.760  1.00  0.00
ATOM     14  CE  MET A 498      -0.549   0.320  -2.206  1.00  0.00
ATOM     15  HE1 MET A 498       0.525   0.443  -2.225  1.00  0.00
ATOM     16  HE2 MET A 498      -0.821  -0.319  -1.381  1.00  0.00
ATOM     17  HE3 MET A 498      -1.026   1.283  -2.086  1.00  0.00
ATOM     18  C   MET A 498      -2.243  -1.080  -0.070  1.00  0.00
ATOM     19  O   MET A 498      -2.255  -1.964   0.787  1.00  0.00
ATOM     20  N   SER A 499      -1.179  -0.322  -0.314  1.00  0.00
ATOM     21  HN  SER A 499      -1.227   0.367  -1.009  1.00  0.00
ATOM     22  CA  SER A 499       0.060  -0.498   0.436  1.00  0.00
...(etc etc)
ATOM   1233  CA  SER A 572     127.327  -0.270  -1.927  1.00  0.00
ATOM   1234  HA  SER A 572     128.094   0.205  -1.334  1.00  0.00
ATOM   1235  CB  SER A 572     127.156  -1.711  -1.448  1.00  0.00
ATOM   1236  HB1 SER A 572     127.919  -1.939  -0.716  1.00  0.00
ATOM   1237  HB2 SER A 572     127.251  -2.384  -2.284  1.00  0.00
ATOM   1238  OG  SER A 572     125.866  -1.863  -0.871  1.00  0.00
ATOM   1239  HG  SER A 572     125.947  -2.447  -0.113  1.00  0.00
ATOM   1240  C   SER A 572     127.758  -0.264  -3.390  1.00  0.00
ATOM   1241  OT1 SER A 572     127.156   0.464  -4.162  1.00  0.00
ATOM   1242  OT2 SER A 572     128.684  -0.988  -3.717  1.00  0.00

ATOM   1243  N   SER B 255     118.841  -1.290   0.671  1.00  0.00
ATOM   1244  HT1 SER B 255     118.514  -1.253   1.657  1.00  0.00
ATOM   1245  HT2 SER B 255     118.090  -1.685   0.070  1.00  0.00
ATOM   1246  HT3 SER B 255     119.075  -0.330   0.350  1.00  0.00
ATOM   1247  CA  SER B 255     120.052  -2.154   0.582  1.00  0.00
ATOM   1248  HA  SER B 255     120.486  -2.266   1.564  1.00  0.00
ATOM   1249  CB  SER B 255     119.655  -3.529   0.042  1.00  0.00
ATOM   1250  HB1 SER B 255     118.828  -3.917   0.622  1.00  0.00
...(etc etc)

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