AIX 5.3, xlcV11, patch 20

xlc is /usr/vacpp/bin/xlc
+ CPPFLAGS="-I/opt/include" CFLAGS="-I/opt/include -O2 -qmaxmem=-1 -qarch=pwr5"\
                --prefix=/opt \
                --infodir=/opt/share/info/libxslt \
                        > .buildaix/configure.out
+ make > .buildaix/make.out
"../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/libxslt/extensions.c", line 430.13: 1506-068 (W) Operation between types "void(*)(void)" and "void*" is not allowed. "../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/libxslt/extensions.c", line 606.42: 1506-280 (W) Function argument assignment between types "void*" and "void(*)(struct _xmlXPathParserContext*,int)" is not allowed. "../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/libxslt/extensions.c", line 634.58: 1506-280 (W) Function argument assignment between types "void*" and "void(*)(struct _xsltTransformContext*,struct _xmlNode*,struct _xmlNode*,struct _xsltElemPreComp*)" is not allowed. "../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/libxslt/extensions.c", line 1403.39: 1506-280 (W) Function argument assignment between types "void*" and "void(*)(struct _xmlXPathParserContext*,int)" is not allowed. "../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/libxslt/extensions.c", line 1429.24: 1506-068 (W) Operation between types "void(*)(struct _xmlXPathParserContext*,int)" and "void*" is not allowed. "../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/libxslt/extensions.c", line 1438.32: 1506-068 (W) Operation between types "void(*)(struct _xmlXPathParserContext*,int)" and "void*" is not allowed. "../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/libxslt/extensions.c", line 1677.28: 1506-068 (W) Operation between types "void(*)(struct _xsltTransformContext*,struct _xmlNode*,struct _xmlNode*,struct _xsltElemPreComp*)" and "void*" is not allowed. "../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/libxslt/extensions.c", line 1839.39: 1506-280 (W) Function argument assignment between types "void*" and "void(*)(struct _xsltStylesheet*,struct _xmlNode*)" is not allowed. "../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/libxslt/extensions.c", line 1865.24: 1506-068 (W) Operation between types "void(*)(struct _xsltStylesheet*,struct _xmlNode*)" and "void*" is not allowed. "../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/libxslt/extensions.c", line 1874.32: 1506-068 (W) Operation between types "void(*)(struct _xsltStylesheet*,struct _xmlNode*)" and "void*" is not allowed. "../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/libxslt/functions.c", line 84.24: 1506-068 (W) Operation between types "void(*)(struct _xmlXPathParserContext*,int)" and "void*" is not allowed. + make install DESTDIR=/var/aixtools/aixtools/libxslt/ > .buildaix/install.out
libtool: warning: remember to run 'libtool --finish /opt/lib'
libtool: warning: relinking ''
libtool: warning: remember to run 'libtool --finish /opt/lib'
libtool: warning: '../libxslt/' has not been installed in '/opt/lib' libtool: warning: '../libexslt/' has not been installed in '/opt/lib' libtool: warning: '/data/prj/aixtools/libxslt-1.1.32/libxslt/' has not been installed in '/opt/lib' + mkinstallp.ksh /var/aixtools/aixtools/libxslt/ > .buildaix/mkinstallp.out
============================== libxslt man pages::::0:: aixtools.libxslt:aixtools.libxslt.rte: libxslt 12-Nov-2017::::0:: aixtools.libxslt:aixtools.libxslt.share: libxslt universal files::::0::

Til here, all good - the tests are "not so good". -- FYI --

root@x064:[/data/prj/aixtools/libxslt-1.1.32]make check
Making check in libxslt
Target "check" is up to date.
Making check in libexslt
Target "check" is up to date.
Making check in xsltproc
Target "check" is up to date.
Making check in doc
Target "check" is up to date.
Making check in tests
Making check in docs
Target "check" is up to date.
Making check in REC1
Target "check" is up to date.
Making check in REC2
Target "check" is up to date.
Making check in REC
Target "check" is up to date.
Making check in general
Target "check" is up to date.
Making check in namespaces
Target "check" is up to date.
Making check in keys
Target "check" is up to date.
Making check in numbers
Target "check" is up to date.
Making check in documents
Target "check" is up to date.
Making check in extensions
Target "check" is up to date.
Making check in reports
Target "check" is up to date.
Making check in xmlspec
Target "check" is up to date.
Making check in multiple
Target "check" is up to date.
Making check in xinclude
Target "check" is up to date.
Making check in XSLTMark
Target "check" is up to date.
Making check in docbook
Target "check" is up to date.
Making check in exslt
Making check in common
Target "check" is up to date.
Making check in functions
Target "check" is up to date.
Making check in math
Target "check" is up to date.
Making check in saxon
Target "check" is up to date.
Making check in sets
Target "check" is up to date.
Making check in strings
Target "check" is up to date.
Making check in dynamic
Target "check" is up to date.
Making check in date
Target "check" is up to date.
Target "check-am" is up to date.
Target "check" is up to date.
Making check in plugins
Target "check" is up to date.
Target "check-am" is up to date.
Target "check" is up to date.
        make  check-local
## Running the regression test suite
Target "tests" is up to date.
## Running REC1 tests
## Running REC2 tests
## Running REC tests
test-2.5-1 result
< compilation error: file ./test-2.5-1.xsl line 2 element stylesheet
> compilation error: file ../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/REC/test-2.5-1.xsl line 2 element stylesheet
test-6.1 result
< compilation error: file ./test-6.1.xsl line 11 element template
> compilation error: file ../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/REC/test-6.1.xsl line 11 element template
## Running REC tests without dictionaries
test-2.5-1 result
< compilation error: file ./test-2.5-1.xsl line 2 element stylesheet
> compilation error: file ../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/REC/test-2.5-1.xsl line 2 element stylesheet
test-6.1 result
< compilation error: file ./test-6.1.xsl line 11 element template
> compilation error: file ../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/REC/test-6.1.xsl line 11 element template
## Running general tests
bug-145 result
< compilation error: file ./bug-145.xsl line 4 element transform
> compilation error: file ../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/general/bug-145.xsl line 4 element transform
< runtime error: file ./bug-145.xsl line 6 element call-template
> runtime error: file ../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/general/bug-145.xsl line 6 element call-template
< no result for ./../docs/bug-145.xml
> no result for ../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/general/../docs/bug-145.xml
bug-146 result
< <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1251"?>
< <root>
<   <colls COL_COD="PT" COL_NAME="▒▒▒▒" CURR_ID_0="" CURR_ID_1="" CURR_ID_2="" CURR_ID_3="">
<     <color COL_ID="24007" TITLE="▒▒▒▒▒▒" RU_CODE=""/>
<   </colls>
< </root>
> ../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/general/bug-146.xsl:1: parser error : Unsupported encoding windows-1251
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1251"?>
>                                            ^
> cannot parse ../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/general/bug-146.xsl
bug-165 result
< runtime error: file ./bug-165.xsl line 6 element value-of
> runtime error: file ../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/general/bug-165.xsl line 6 element value-of
< runtime error: file ./bug-165.xsl line 6 element value-of
> runtime error: file ../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/general/bug-165.xsl line 6 element value-of
< no result for ./../docs/bug-165.xml
> no result for ../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/general/../docs/bug-165.xml
bug-175 result
< compilation error: file ./bug-175.xsl line 5 element transform
> compilation error: file ../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/general/bug-175.xsl line 5 element transform
bug-180 result
< runtime error: file ./bug-180.xsl line 4 element copy-of
> runtime error: file ../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/general/bug-180.xsl line 4 element copy-of
< no result for ./../docs/bug-180.xml
> no result for ../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/general/../docs/bug-180.xml
bug-184 result
< runtime error: file ./bug-184.xsl line 5 element value-of
> runtime error: file ../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/general/bug-184.xsl line 5 element value-of
< runtime error: file ./bug-184.xsl line 5 element value-of
> runtime error: file ../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/general/bug-184.xsl line 5 element value-of
< no result for ./../docs/bug-184.xml
> no result for ../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/general/../docs/bug-184.xml
bug-185 result
< runtime error: file ./bug-185.xsl line 7 element copy-of
> runtime error: file ../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/general/bug-185.xsl line 7 element copy-of
< no result for ./../docs/bug-185.xml
> no result for ../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/general/../docs/bug-185.xml
bug-21- result
< ../docs/test.jpg
> ../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/docs/test.jpg
bug-52 result
< Graphic file=../docs/graphic.gif
> Graphic file=../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/docs/graphic.gif
bug-60 result
< compilation error: file ./bug-60.xsl line 6 element foo-of
> compilation error: file ../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/general/bug-60.xsl line 6 element foo-of
## Running general tests without dictionaries
bug-145 result
< compilation error: file ./bug-145.xsl line 4 element transform
> compilation error: file ../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/general/bug-145.xsl line 4 element transform
< runtime error: file ./bug-145.xsl line 6 element call-template
> runtime error: file ../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/general/bug-145.xsl line 6 element call-template
< no result for ./../docs/bug-145.xml
> no result for ../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/general/../docs/bug-145.xml
bug-146 result
< <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1251"?>
< <root>
<   <colls COL_COD="PT" COL_NAME="▒▒▒▒" CURR_ID_0="" CURR_ID_1="" CURR_ID_2="" CURR_ID_3="">
<     <color COL_ID="24007" TITLE="▒▒▒▒▒▒" RU_CODE=""/>
<   </colls>
< </root>
> ../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/general/bug-146.xsl:1: parser error : Unsupported encoding windows-1251
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1251"?>
>                                            ^
> cannot parse ../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/general/bug-146.xsl
bug-165 result
< runtime error: file ./bug-165.xsl line 6 element value-of
> runtime error: file ../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/general/bug-165.xsl line 6 element value-of
< runtime error: file ./bug-165.xsl line 6 element value-of
> runtime error: file ../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/general/bug-165.xsl line 6 element value-of
< no result for ./../docs/bug-165.xml
> no result for ../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/general/../docs/bug-165.xml
bug-175 result
< compilation error: file ./bug-175.xsl line 5 element transform
> compilation error: file ../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/general/bug-175.xsl line 5 element transform
bug-180 result
< runtime error: file ./bug-180.xsl line 4 element copy-of
> runtime error: file ../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/general/bug-180.xsl line 4 element copy-of
< no result for ./../docs/bug-180.xml
> no result for ../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/general/../docs/bug-180.xml
bug-184 result
< runtime error: file ./bug-184.xsl line 5 element value-of
> runtime error: file ../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/general/bug-184.xsl line 5 element value-of
< runtime error: file ./bug-184.xsl line 5 element value-of
> runtime error: file ../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/general/bug-184.xsl line 5 element value-of
< no result for ./../docs/bug-184.xml
> no result for ../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/general/../docs/bug-184.xml
bug-185 result
< runtime error: file ./bug-185.xsl line 7 element copy-of
> runtime error: file ../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/general/bug-185.xsl line 7 element copy-of
< no result for ./../docs/bug-185.xml
> no result for ../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/general/../docs/bug-185.xml
bug-21- result
< ../docs/test.jpg
> ../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/docs/test.jpg
bug-52 result
< Graphic file=../docs/graphic.gif
> Graphic file=../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/docs/graphic.gif
bug-60 result
< compilation error: file ./bug-60.xsl line 6 element foo-of
> compilation error: file ../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/general/bug-60.xsl line 6 element foo-of
## Running namespaces tests
## Running keys tests
## Running numbers tests
< warning: failed to load external entity "foofile.xml"
< warning: failed to load external entity "foo_file.xml"
> warning: failed to load external entity "../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/documents/foofile.xml" > warning: failed to load external entity "../../../src/libxslt-1.1.32/tests/documents/foo_file.xml"
make: 1254-004 The error code from the last command is 1.

make: 1254-004 The error code from the last command is 2.

make: 1254-004 The error code from the last command is 2.

make: 1254-004 The error code from the last command is 2.

make: 1254-004 The error code from the last command is 1.


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