Hi all,

I forwarded a GTK theme suggestion to Pasi, but it would need to be
tested similar to how we tested the shiki-colors / dark murrina themes
for use on a more low-powered system.  Pasi may not even like the
theme, but it is included in the repos already, and I find it pretty
complimentary to our current color scheme.  The theme package in the
repos is just called "murrine-themes", and it incorporates a number of
themes that wouldn't match our color scheme, but a couple that might
work.  If it's too late to include this, or you don't like the themes
in there, I guess we can stick with Murrina Storm Cloud.

Here is a link to a screenshot of my laptop with the Murrina Gilouche
theme installed.
http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/6951/screenshot1gpz.png  All other
theme elements are the defaults for 9.04.

As for the usplash theme, both kubuntu and ubuntu have that cool,
thin-line thing going on now.  We had a slightly thinner line in a
previous release of Xubuntu, but from what I can recall, our throbber
breaks somehow when we try to make it thinner.  Would there be any way
to maybe copy the details / source lines from the Kubuntu package?
I'm sure we could keep our own color scheme for the throbber line.

Nice work on the Yay! items, Pasi.  :)  Hopefully we can get the "boo"
items squared away.  If not, we are still in pretty good shape for a
nice-looking desktop.


On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 6:26 PM, Pasi Lallinaho <o...@knome.fi> wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> we're really close to getting everything ready. Here is again a quick
> recap of things.
> 1. Yay!
> - GDM theme. It now even has XDMCP-login button thus fixing bug #71412.
> Thanks Charlie and everybody for testing and giving feedback.
> - Wallpaper (also in widescreen).
> - Icon theme "Gnome Brave". Needs reviewing!
> (- xfwm theme.)
> - Countdown banners!
> Thanks Lionel for the hard work done uploading things and doing the
> package management.
> 2. Boo!
> - GTK theme. Shall we stick with MurrineStormCloud?
> - Usplash.
> 3. Mmh?
> We created a JS feature carousel for Ubuntu (see
> http://emonk.fi/open/ubuntu/Feature%20Carousel/). Do we want for Xubuntu
> as well? What should that include? Remember we can for example do this
> for the last three days.
> Some ideas for this: "Xfce 4.6", "All new artwork", "Cute mice!", "With
> cheese", "Brought to you by the Xubuntu Team" and if we're doing this
> for some last days: "Experience the Jaunty Jackalope", "Supported until
> blahblah" ...
> Throw in some ideas.
> --
> Pasi Lallinaho
> Xubuntu Marketing Lead
> Web-designer, graphic artist
> IRC: knome @ freenode
> --
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> xubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com
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