Well we certainly can't remove the test suites because no one will test
them. We also need to show growth and change. This is the life of a tester.
We test the system as is.

Nothing will happen overnight. We are brain storming ideas. We need not
only more testers but testers who are committed to the role and life of the

We do have time until the next lts to come up with a solution.
On May 25, 2015 1:52 PM, "elfy" <e...@gmx.co.uk> wrote:

>  On 25/05/15 18:28, saqman2060 wrote:
> [snip]
> What I am trying to say, make the testing a little more interesting.
> Something new every cycle. Also, we can remove the test for a feature and
> create another test for a feature that was not covered. In this attempt, we
> don't over extend the testcase itself.
>  Istimsak Abdulbasir.
>  What I am trying to say is that unless someone has a *real* reason to
> run with package testing - then we will not be doing it.
> I'm certainly not going to get into creating more tests for people not to
> do in the hope that magically we get more testers - and by more I really
> don't mean 4 instead of 2.
> These tests, creating new testsuites and all the other things that need to
> be done in order for them to be usable take time - they don't just happen.
> I'm all for ideas, but this thread is about
> I plan to not do so this cycle unless anyone thinks that we should - and
> just thinking we should isn't likely to change my mind
> I've seen nothing to change my mind.
> --
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