And, I forgot to say in the last message.....

The freeze up includes the KB, monitor, but my software defined radio
continues to play received audio through the speakers just fine.

Then, without warnings, the computer just resumes running like there was
no issue. In other words, I don't have to restart the computer or do an
asynchronous master reset to clear the frozen screen, mouse and KB.



On 08/12/2018 03:27 AM, Art wrote:
> I have been running 18.04 for awhile now and there haven't been any
> issues with it.
> Note that I HAVE NOT installed the very latest 'upgrade', which will
> force me to use full disk encryption.
> I changed the ssd at the same time I installed 18.04, because the 16.04
> Xubuntu was beginning to show signs that might have indicated the old
> ssd was going away.
> But, just lately, my programs just stop running intermittently,
> appearing to freeze up for 5 or 6 seconds at a time. There is no disk
> activity and no errors indicated on the screen. I have been running the
> system monitor, and it doesn't show heavy cpu load and the there is no
> swap file usage.
> I'm very seriously thinking about going back to 16.04, but wanted to
> test 18.04. The problem is I have a new ssd and a new OS, so I'm not
> quite sure which might be the issue.
> Has anyone else experienced any similar issues, especially in 18.04?
> Art

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