
   Thanks to  Kris Luyten the XUL Grand Coding
Challenge 2004 Counter Showcase now inlcudes a sample

   What is UIML.NET?

   Kris writes:

  uiml.net is a renderer for UIML written for .Net.
UIML is the User Interface Markup Language, an
XML-based language for user interface descriptions.
   Find out more @

   To see UIML.NET in action stop @

   I've also checked in all UIML.NET samples, scripts
and readme docs into CVS. Everything should show up
within 24 hours @
(look for the uiml-net folder). 

   - Gerald

Gerald Bauer

XUL Alliance | http://xul.sourceforge.net  
United XAML  | http://xaml.sourceforge.net

Interested in hiring Gerald Bauer? Yes, I'm available.

If you know of an opportunity in Toronto or Vancouver,
please contact me today.

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