
I downloaded Lexus and was checking out the examples of XUpdate.
I found one relevent example updates.7 in ROOT\lexus\testsuite\updates.
It uses "<lexus:cdata>" but cdata is not defined in specs. Is it usable

Also I have the following problem. Can you please suggest what could be
going wrong ?

I tried using the XUpdateQuery to update the username and password as
follows -

"<xu:modifications version=\"1.0\"" +
             " xmlns:xu=\"http://www.xmldb.org/xupdate\";>" +
             "<xu:update select=\"/user[userid/text()='3005']\">" +
             "<xu:element name=\"login\">" +

             "</xu:element>" +
             "</xu:update>" +

XML structure to be updated is

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

It gave Query Compilation Error.
I tried many permutations of 'select' and 'element name' field but no
avail. I tried changing xu:update to xu:insert-after ..still same

I'm using dbXML and need to update the XML documents stored there using
XUpdate (Basically I want to be able to update/insert/append/remove
chunks of XML
text). I need to use XUpdate extensively and am looking for a way to
update chunks of XML text instead of a single element. [It will be a lot
of overhead if the XML text chunk should be formatted element by element
under xupdate: modifications]


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