
I'm new on this mailing list, so sorry if my question had arised before in it.

Can I apply another operation over a "previously modified structure"? For 
example, having this XML fragment:

        <friend id="1">
                <city>Porto Alegre</city>

and a XUpdate document, like this:

<xupdate:modifications version="1.0" 
        <xupdate:remove select="/friends/[EMAIL PROTECTED]'1']/age"/>
        <xupdate:insert-before select="/friends/[EMAIL PROTECTED]'1']/age">
                <xupdate:element name="address">Rua X, 190</xupdate:element>

would this be possible to do?

Re-making the question: is the modification document applied atomically over 
XML, or is each operation (remove, insert, ...) performed separately? I guess 
that this kind of modification may appear in some cases but I don't have 
conditions to test in my system. 

Fabio Zschornack.
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