On 2021-01-23 Markus Rickert wrote:
> This could be solved by adding an alias to the config file:
> add_library(LibLZMA::LibLZMA ALIAS liblzma::liblzma)
> An additional improvement would be to enable this on case-sensitive
> file systems as well. For this, the config file would need to be
> renamed from liblzmaConfig.cmake to liblzma-config.cmake (and the
> version file to liblzma-config-version.cmake), see [2].

I have committed both of your suggestions (hopefully correctly). Thanks!

Some extra thoughts: There are some differences between FindLibLZMA and
the config file:

  - FindLibLZMA doesn't #define LZMA_API_STATIC when building against
    static liblzma. LZMA_API_STATIC omits __declspec(dllimport) from
    liblzma function declarations on Windows.

  - FindLibLZMA sets a few CMake cache variables that the config file
    doesn't, for example, LIBLZMA_HAS_EASY_ENCODER. I have no idea if
    there are packages that care about this.

  - The config file has find_dependency(Threads) while FindLibLZMA
    doesn't. This can affect the linker flags.

Perhaps there are other details affecting compatiblity. I just wonder
how big mistake it was to use liblzma::liblzma in the config file. I
guess it's too late to change it now.

Lasse Collin  |  IRC: Larhzu @ IRCnet & Freenode

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