Question #679154 on Yade changed:

Janek Kozicki proposed the following answer:
Hi, to avoid confusion I have hidden my previous post about deleting
*.pyc files. Turns out that it was a misconfiguration on my side, and
python always uses *.py file if it is more recent than *.pyc file, as
indicated in the python manual [1]. Thanks to Jan for spotting my

Regarding the calculations, this is what I get after I press enter:

Running script
For better performance compile python-escript with direct solver method
Press Enter to continue...
Not converged after 0 iteration(s)! Relative error: 1.000000e+00
Not converged after 1 iteration(s)! Relative error: 7.789837e-02
Not converged after 2 iteration(s)! Relative error: 2.820422e-02
Convergence reached after 3 iteration(s)! Relative error: 8.350168e-03
Not converged after 0 iteration(s)! Relative error: 1.000000e+00
Not converged after 1 iteration(s)! Relative error: 2.794717e-02
Convergence reached after 2 iteration(s)! Relative error: 8.239768e-03

So I assume that the calculations are going smoothly, at least for me. But they 
are not fast. Try pressing enter and going for lunch ;) I had to wait at least 
2 minutes before I saw the first output line about calculation progress.

However this is the farthest I have went in trying FEMxDEM examples. I
see that it calculates something, and that's it. I don't know if the
calculations are correct, where is the result or what to do with this
result ;)

So if during your FEMxDEM adventure you advance further I suppose that
adding some notes about how you got there into the documentation might
be useful for others.

Thank you for the alternative instructions:

1 sudo apt install python-escript
2 cd /usr/share/doc/yade/examples/FEMxDEM
3 export 
4 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/python-escript/lib
5 ln -s /usr/bin/yade 
6 /usr/bin/yade ./

I will add them to the examples into comment section.


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