Eric Wong <> wrote:
> +++ b/examples/yahns_http2_rack1.conf.rb

> +app(:rack, "", preload: false) do
> +  protocols "http", "http2"

Maybe the new config option should actually be something like:

     queue(protocol: 'http2') do
       backlog 128
       worker_threads 8

This means we'd have a third type of thread pool...

> +++ b/lib/yahns/http2_rack1.rb

> +      stream.on(:half_close) do
> + "dispatch: #{req.inspect}"
> +        req = rack_env_for(req, input)
> +        h2_res_emit(stream, *
> +      end

And maybe enqueue work here:

        stream.on(:half_close) do
          @http2_queue.push([stream, req, input])

And making h2_res_emit thread-safe when called from another thread.

This would also make lazy, synchronous reading of rack.input for
TeeInput/StreamInput easier.

And yeah, the whole SPDY/HTTP-2 thing of reinventing a multi-stream
socket layer inside of TCP connections smells bad to me.

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