A Free Software, multi-threaded, non-blocking network application server
designed for low _idle_ power consumption.  It is primarily optimized
for applications with occasional users which see little or no traffic.
yahns currently hosts Rack/HTTP applications, but may eventually support
other application types.  Unlike some existing servers, yahns is
extremely sensitive to fatal bugs in the applications it hosts.

Changes: reduced allocations and bugfixes

  This release fixes a bug where previously-configured-but-now-removed
  listeners were inherited across USR2 upgrades are not shutdown
  immediately in the child.

  There are also minor reductions in allocations which can save a few
  hundred bytes statically and also whenever write buffering is necessary
  for large responses.

  Some minor documentation updates improvements in extras, too.

  shortlog of changes since 1.5.0:
      README: add link to mailing list archives
      test_ssl: factor out server SSLContext creation
      doc: add design_notes document
      reduce File::Stat object allocations
      update comments about wbuf_close return values
      wbuf: lazily (re)create temporary file
      fix compatibility with unicorn.git
      skip tests requiring String#b on 1.9.3
      use the monotonic clock under Ruby 2.1+
      favor Class.new for method-less classes
      extras/proxy_pass: save memory in String#split arg
      extras/proxy_pass: do not name unused variable
      extras/proxy_pass: log exceptions leading to 502
      extras/proxy_pass: flesh out upload support + tests
      acceptor: close inherited-but-unneeded sockets

  See the git repository for more: git clone git://yhbt.net/yahns

Please note the disclaimer:

  yahns is extremely sensitive to fatal bugs in the apps it hosts.  There
  is no (and never will be) any built-in "watchdog"-type feature to kill
  stuck processes/threads.  Each yahns process may be handling thousands
  of clients; unexpectedly killing the process will abort _all_ of those
  connections.  Lives may be lost!

  yahns hackers are not responsible for your application/library bugs.
  Use an application server which is tolerant of buggy applications
  if you cannot be bothered to fix all your fatal bugs.

* git clone git://yhbt.net/yahns
* http://yahns.yhbt.net/README
* http://yahns.yhbt.net/NEWS.atom.xml
* we like plain-text email yahns-public@yhbt.net
* and archive all the mail we receive: http://yhbt.net/yahns-public/

lrg nabgure ubeevoyl-anzrq freire
lrf, lnuaf vf frys-ubfgvat vgf bja fvgrf fvapr yngr 2013

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