We cannot pass trailers from upstreams to HTTP/1.0 clients without
fully-buffering the response body AND trailers before forwarding the
response header.

Of course, one of the reasons yahns exists is to support lazy
buffering, so fully-buffering up front is wasteful and hurts
latency.  So instead, degrade to 1.0 requests to upstreams for
HTTP/1.0 clients, this should prevent upstreams from sending
trailers in the first place.

HTTP/1.0 clients on Rails apps may suffer, but there probably
are not too many HTTP/1.0 clients out there.
 lib/yahns/proxy_http_response.rb | 79 ++++++++++++----------------------------
 lib/yahns/proxy_pass.rb          |  8 +++-
 test/test_proxy_pass.rb          | 22 ++++++++---
 3 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/yahns/proxy_http_response.rb b/lib/yahns/proxy_http_response.rb
index fe0a37b..cbfc17e 100644
--- a/lib/yahns/proxy_http_response.rb
+++ b/lib/yahns/proxy_http_response.rb
@@ -58,7 +58,6 @@ module Yahns::HttpResponse # :nodoc:
     have_body = !Rack::Utils::STATUS_WITH_NO_ENTITY_BODY.include?(si) &&
                 env[REQUEST_METHOD] != HEAD
     flags = MSG_DONTWAIT
-    rechunk = false
     k = self.class
     alive = @hs.next? && k.persistent_connections
@@ -69,18 +68,6 @@ module Yahns::HttpResponse # :nodoc:
         next # do not let some upstream headers leak through
       when %r{\AContent-Length\z}i
         flags |= MSG_MORE if have_body && value.to_i > 0
-      when %r{\ATransfer-Encoding\z}i
-        if value =~ /\bchunked\b/i
-          case env['HTTP_VERSION'] # this is the original client request
-          when 'HTTP/1.1'
-            rechunk = true
-          else
-            # too expensive to calculate Content-Length for HTTP/1.0
-            # persistent clients, so we will drop persistence instead
-            alive = false # this should already be implied
-            next
-          end
-        end
       res << "#{key}: #{value}\r\n"
@@ -121,18 +108,11 @@ module Yahns::HttpResponse # :nodoc:
       else # nasty chunked body
         req_res.proxy_trailers = nil # define to avoid warnings for now
-        # Only HTTP/1.1 supports chunked responses, we must translate
-        # otherwise.  Otherwise, we must drop the connection to signal
-        # the end.  We only send HTTP/1.1 requests to the upstream so
-        # Rack/Rails can always send streaming responses.
         buf = ''
         case tmp = tip.shift || req_res.kgio_tryread(0x2000, rbuf)
         when String
           kcar.filter_body(buf, tmp)
-          unless buf.empty?
-            wbuf = proxy_write(wbuf, rechunk ? chunk_out(buf) : buf, alive)
-          end
+          wbuf = proxy_write(wbuf, chunk_out(buf), alive) unless buf.empty?
         when nil # premature EOF
           return proxy_err_response(nil, req_res, nil, wbuf)
         when :wait_readable
@@ -144,22 +124,19 @@ module Yahns::HttpResponse # :nodoc:
         buf = tmp
         req_res.proxy_trailers = [ buf, tlr = [] ]
         rbuf = Thread.current[:yahns_rbuf] = ''
-        if rechunk
-          until kcar.trailers(tlr, buf)
-            case rv = req_res.kgio_tryread(0x2000, rbuf)
-            when String
-              buf << rv
-            when :wait_readable
-              # for ensure:
-              wbuf ||= Yahns::Wbuf.new(nil, alive, k.output_buffer_tmpdir,
-                                       false)
-              return :wait_readable
-            when nil # premature EOF
-              return proxy_err_response(nil, req_res, nil, wbuf)
-            end # no loop here
-          end
-          wbuf = proxy_write(wbuf, trailer_out(tlr), alive)
+        until kcar.trailers(tlr, buf)
+          case rv = req_res.kgio_tryread(0x2000, rbuf)
+          when String
+            buf << rv
+          when :wait_readable
+            # for ensure:
+            wbuf ||= Yahns::Wbuf.new(nil, alive, k.output_buffer_tmpdir, false)
+            return :wait_readable
+          when nil # premature EOF
+            return proxy_err_response(nil, req_res, nil, wbuf)
+          end # no loop here
+        wbuf = proxy_write(wbuf, trailer_out(tlr), alive)
@@ -187,12 +164,6 @@ module Yahns::HttpResponse # :nodoc:
       end while len != 0
     else # nasty chunked body
-      # Only HTTP/1.1 supports chunked responses, we must translate
-      # otherwise.  Otherwise, we must drop the connection to signal
-      # the end.  We only send HTTP/1.1 requests to the upstream so
-      # Rack/Rails can always send streaming responses.
-      rechunk = @hs.env['HTTP_VERSION'] == 'HTTP/1.1'.freeze
       buf = ''
       unless req_res.proxy_trailers
@@ -200,7 +171,7 @@ module Yahns::HttpResponse # :nodoc:
         case tmp = req_res.kgio_tryread(0x2000, rbuf)
         when String
           kcar.filter_body(buf, tmp)
-          buf.empty? or wbuf.wbuf_write(self, rechunk ? chunk_out(buf) : buf)
+          buf.empty? or wbuf.wbuf_write(self, chunk_out(buf))
         when nil # premature EOF
           return proxy_err_response(nil, req_res, nil, wbuf)
         when :wait_readable
@@ -211,19 +182,17 @@ module Yahns::HttpResponse # :nodoc:
       buf, tlr = *req_res.proxy_trailers
-      if rechunk
-        until kcar.trailers(tlr, buf)
-          case rv = req_res.kgio_tryread(0x2000, rbuf)
-          when String
-            buf << rv
-          when :wait_readable
-            return :wait_readable
-          when nil # premature EOF
-            return proxy_err_response(nil, req_res, nil, wbuf)
-          end # no loop here
-        end
-        wbuf.wbuf_write(self, trailer_out(tlr))
+      until kcar.trailers(tlr, buf)
+        case rv = req_res.kgio_tryread(0x2000, rbuf)
+        when String
+          buf << rv
+        when :wait_readable
+          return :wait_readable
+        when nil # premature EOF
+          return proxy_err_response(nil, req_res, nil, wbuf)
+        end # no loop here
+      wbuf.wbuf_write(self, trailer_out(tlr))
     busy = wbuf.busy and return proxy_busy_mod_blocked(wbuf, busy)
diff --git a/lib/yahns/proxy_pass.rb b/lib/yahns/proxy_pass.rb
index 3812dbf..e3ba7f0 100644
--- a/lib/yahns/proxy_pass.rb
+++ b/lib/yahns/proxy_pass.rb
@@ -205,7 +205,13 @@ class Yahns::ProxyPass # :nodoc:
     req = @path.gsub(/\$(\w+)/) { req.__send__($1) }
     # start the connection asynchronously and early so TCP can do a
-    req = "#{env['REQUEST_METHOD']} #{req} HTTP/1.1\r\n" \
+    case ver = env['HTTP_VERSION']
+    when 'HTTP/1.1' # leave alone, response may be chunked
+    else # no chunking for HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/0.9
+      ver = 'HTTP/1.0'.freeze
+    end
+    req = "#{env['REQUEST_METHOD']} #{req} #{ver}\r\n" \
           "X-Forwarded-For: #{env["REMOTE_ADDR"]}\r\n"
     # pass most HTTP_* headers through as-is
diff --git a/test/test_proxy_pass.rb b/test/test_proxy_pass.rb
index 943fb35..c1539f8 100644
--- a/test/test_proxy_pass.rb
+++ b/test/test_proxy_pass.rb
@@ -86,13 +86,23 @@ class TestProxyPass < Testcase
           delay = $1.to_f
           chunky = Object.new
           chunky.instance_variable_set(:@delay, delay)
-          def chunky.each
-            sleep @delay
-            yield "3\r\nHI!\r\n"
-            sleep @delay
-            yield "0\r\n\r\n"
+          if env['HTTP_VERSION'] == 'HTTP/1.0'
+            h = [ %w(Content-Type text/pain), %w(Content-Length 3) ]
+            def chunky.each
+              %w(H I !).each do |x|
+                sleep @delay
+                yield x
+              end
+            end
+          else
+            h = [ %w(Content-Type text/pain), %w(Transfer-Encoding chunked) ]
+            def chunky.each
+              sleep @delay
+              yield "3\r\nHI!\r\n"
+              sleep @delay
+              yield "0\r\n\r\n"
+            end
-          h = [ %w(Content-Type text/pain), %w(Transfer-Encoding chunked) ]
           [ 200, h, chunky ]
           [ 200, h, [ "hi\n"] ]

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