* [PATCH 1/3] generate response status strings dynamically

  This unfortunately introduces a minor performance regression.
  However, it is unlikely to be noticeable in real-world apps.

* [PATCH 2/3] reduce constants and optimize for Ruby 2.2+

  This appears to recover the performance lost in 1/3 when doing
  informal benchmarks on a private app (persistent connections

* [PATCH 3/3] http_response: reduce bytecode size

  This generates less bytecode when checking with

 lib/yahns/http_client.rb         | 16 +++++-----------
 lib/yahns/http_response.rb       | 35 ++++++++++++++++-------------------
 lib/yahns/max_body.rb            | 12 ++++--------
 lib/yahns/proxy_http_response.rb | 16 +++++++++-------
 4 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)

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