A Free Software, multi-threaded, non-blocking network application server
designed for low _idle_ power consumption.  It is primarily optimized
for applications with occasional users which see little or no traffic.
yahns currently hosts Rack/HTTP applications, but may eventually support
other application types.  Unlike some existing servers, yahns is
extremely sensitive to fatal bugs in the applications it hosts.

minor updates

  This release improves socket inheritance support.  TCP socket
  options are now applied to inherited sockets.  We also emulate
  the sd_listen_fds function to allow inheriting sockets from

  HTTP status strings are now generated dynamically, allowing
  applications to modify Rack::Utils::HTTP_STATUS_CODES to
  apply changes in the Rack response.  Unfortunately, this leads
  to minor (likely unnoticeable) performance regressions.

  However, our code is not optimized for Ruby 2.2+, so users on
  the latest released Ruby will benefit from reduced inline cache
  and constant lookups as we reduced our constant footprint.
  Expect further minor performance regressions if you are running
  Ruby 2.2 and earlier.

  For Ruby 2.2 users, overall performance should be largely
  unchanged from 1.7.0 to 1.8.0

  shortlog of changes since 1.7.0:

  * use opt_str_freeze for Hash#delete
  * test/helper: warn atomically
  * generate response status strings dynamically
  * reduce constants and optimize for Ruby 2.2+
  * http_response: reduce bytecode size
  * apply TCP socket options on inherited sockets
  * test/test_rack_hijack.rb: try to increase test reliability
  * emulate sd_listen_fds for systemd support
  * test/test_rack_hijack: ensure proper ordering of log messages

Please note the disclaimer:

  yahns is extremely sensitive to fatal bugs in the apps it hosts.  There
  is no (and never will be) any built-in "watchdog"-type feature to kill
  stuck processes/threads.  Each yahns process may be handling thousands
  of clients; unexpectedly killing the process will abort _all_ of those
  connections.  Lives may be lost!

  yahns hackers are not responsible for your application/library bugs.
  Use an application server which is tolerant of buggy applications
  if you cannot be bothered to fix all your fatal bugs.

* git clone git://yhbt.net/yahns
* http://yahns.yhbt.net/README
* http://yahns.yhbt.net/NEWS.atom.xml
* we only accept plain-text email yahns-public@yhbt.net
* and archive all the mail we receive: http://yhbt.net/yahns-public/


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