On Sat, Feb 20, 2016 at 4:16 PM, Eric Wong <e...@80x24.org> wrote:
> We've been using this for nearly a year to serve our own
> list archives using (Apache (mpm_prefork) || Starman) and
> Varnish-cache on: http://yhbt.net/yahns-public/
> ---
>  Any thoughts?  So far I've resisted having a public API.
>  On the other hand, the current state of ProxyPass being a
>  Rack app using rack.hijack still has nasty limitations
>  such as incompatibility with any existing middleware.
>  Something simple such as access logs won't work well
>  (e.g. Rack::CommonLogger or Clogger)

My first impression was that why not put this in a separate
gem, say yahns-apps or so? I am not saying we should do
this, just curious why? Easier to maintain and distribute?

>  On the other hand, it would be nice to have a mostly-Ruby
>  alternative to nginx today...

I am even more curious to this. Nginx is pretty accessible already,
(perhaps not on Windows though?) and it would surely be more
performant than Ruby. Or is it because we might want to make it
not only a reverse proxy, extending it with Rack middleware?
If so, then we probably don't want this directive:


but just treat it as a Rack application? Or we might want to define
another middleware, say proxy_pass's middleware, which would
be slightly different than the rack ones? If so I think it makes a lot
of sense to have app(:proxy_pass).


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