This may be useful to avoid wasting resources when proxying for
an upstream which can already handle slow clients itself.

It is impossible to completely disable buffering, this merely
prevents gigantic amounts of buffering.

This may be useful when an upstream can generate a gigantic
response which would cause excessive disk I/O traffic if
buffered by yahns.  An example of this would be an upstream
dynamically-generating a pack for a giant git (clone|fetch)

In other words, this option allows the upstream to react to
backpressure from slow clients.  It is not recommended to
enable this unless your upstream server is capable of
supporting slow clients.
 lib/yahns/proxy_http_response.rb     |  85 ++++++++++++--------
 lib/yahns/req_res.rb                 |  14 ++++
 lib/yahns/wbuf.rb                    |   5 +-
 lib/yahns/wbuf_common.rb             |   2 +-
 test/test_proxy_pass_no_buffering.rb | 149 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 217 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 test/test_proxy_pass_no_buffering.rb

diff --git a/lib/yahns/proxy_http_response.rb b/lib/yahns/proxy_http_response.rb
index c7a9447..79b995a 100644
--- a/lib/yahns/proxy_http_response.rb
+++ b/lib/yahns/proxy_http_response.rb
@@ -7,9 +7,19 @@
 # constants.
 module Yahns::HttpResponse # :nodoc:
+  # switch and yield
+  def proxy_unbuffer(wbuf)
+    wbuf.body.resbuf = @state = wbuf
+    tc = Thread.current
+    tc[:yahns_fdmap].remember(self) # Yahns::HttpClient
+    tc[:yahns_queue].queue_mod(self, wbuf.busy == :wait_writable ?
+                               Yahns::Queue::QEV_WR : Yahns::Queue::QEV_RD)
+    :ignore
+  end
   # write everything in buf to our client socket (or wbuf, if it exists)
   # it may return a newly-created wbuf or nil
-  def proxy_write(wbuf, buf, alive)
+  def proxy_write(wbuf, buf, req_res)
     unless wbuf
       # no write buffer, try to write directly to the client socket
       case rv = String === buf ? kgio_trywrite(buf) : kgio_trywritev(buf)
@@ -17,8 +27,15 @@ def proxy_write(wbuf, buf, alive)
       when String, Array # partial write, hope the skb grows
         buf = rv
       when :wait_writable, :wait_readable
-        wbuf =, alive, self.class.output_buffer_tmpdir, rv)
-        buf = buf.join if Array === buf
+        if @hs.env['yahns.proxy_pass'].proxy_buffering
+          body = nil
+          alive = req_res.alive
+        else
+          req_res.paused = true
+          body = req_res
+          alive = :ignore
+        end
+        wbuf =, alive, self.class.output_buffer_tmpdir, 
       end while true
@@ -54,14 +71,14 @@ def proxy_err_response(code, req_res, exc, wbuf)
     wbuf.wbuf_abort if wbuf
-  def wait_on_upstream(req_res, alive, wbuf)
-    req_res.resbuf = wbuf ||, alive,
+  def wait_on_upstream(req_res, wbuf)
+    req_res.resbuf = wbuf ||, req_res.alive,
     :wait_readable # self remains in :ignore, wait on upstream
-  def proxy_res_headers(res)
+  def proxy_res_headers(res, req_res)
     status, headers = res
     code = status.to_i
     msg = Rack::Utils::HTTP_STATUS_CODES[code]
@@ -118,16 +135,18 @@ def proxy_res_headers(res)
       flags = MSG_DONTWAIT
       res = rv # hope the skb grows
     when :wait_writable, :wait_readable # highly unlikely in real apps
-      wbuf = proxy_write(nil, res, alive)
+      wbuf = proxy_write(nil, res, req_res)
       break # keep buffering as much as possible
     end while true
-    [ alive, wbuf, have_body ]
+    req_res.alive = alive
+    [ wbuf, have_body ]
-  def proxy_read_body(tip, kcar, req_res, alive, wbuf)
+  def proxy_read_body(tip, kcar, req_res, wbuf)
     chunk = ''.dup if kcar.chunked?
     len = kcar.body_bytes_left
     rbuf = Thread.current[:yahns_rbuf]
+    alive = req_res.alive
     case tmp = tip.shift || req_res.kgio_tryread(0x2000, rbuf)
     when String
@@ -141,29 +160,31 @@ def proxy_read_body(tip, kcar, req_res, alive, wbuf)
         tmp = chunk_out(tmp)
       # else # HTTP/1.0 upstream, HTTP/1.0 client, do nothing
-      wbuf = proxy_write(wbuf, tmp, alive)
+      wbuf = proxy_write(wbuf, tmp, req_res)
+      return proxy_unbuffer(wbuf) if wbuf && wbuf.body
       chunk.clear if chunk
     when nil # EOF
       # HTTP/1.1 upstream, unexpected premature EOF:
       return proxy_err_response(nil, req_res, nil, wbuf) if len || chunk
       # HTTP/1.0 upstream:
-      wbuf = proxy_write(wbuf, "0\r\n\r\n".freeze, true) if alive
+      wbuf = proxy_write(wbuf, "0\r\n\r\n".freeze, req_res) if alive
+      return proxy_unbuffer(wbuf) if wbuf && wbuf.body
     when :wait_readable
-      return wait_on_upstream(req_res, alive, wbuf)
+      return wait_on_upstream(req_res, wbuf)
     end until kcar.body_eof?
     if chunk
       # tip is an empty array and becomes trailer storage
       req_res.proxy_trailers = [ rbuf.dup, tip ]
-      return proxy_read_trailers(kcar, req_res, alive, wbuf)
+      return proxy_read_trailers(kcar, req_res, wbuf)
-    proxy_busy_mod(wbuf, alive)
+    proxy_busy_mod(wbuf, req_res)
-  def proxy_read_trailers(kcar, req_res, alive, wbuf)
+  def proxy_read_trailers(kcar, req_res, wbuf)
     chunk, tlr = req_res.proxy_trailers
     rbuf = Thread.current[:yahns_rbuf]
@@ -172,13 +193,14 @@ def proxy_read_trailers(kcar, req_res, alive, wbuf)
       when String
         chunk << rv
       when :wait_readable
-        return wait_on_upstream(req_res, alive, wbuf)
+        return wait_on_upstream(req_res, wbuf)
       when nil # premature EOF
         return proxy_err_response(nil, req_res, nil, wbuf)
       end # no loop here
-    wbuf = proxy_write(wbuf, trailer_out(tlr), alive)
-    proxy_busy_mod(wbuf, alive)
+    wbuf = proxy_write(wbuf, trailer_out(tlr), req_res)
+    return proxy_unbuffer(wbuf) if wbuf && wbuf.body
+    proxy_busy_mod(wbuf, req_res)
   # start streaming the response once upstream is done sending headers to us.
@@ -186,25 +208,25 @@ def proxy_read_trailers(kcar, req_res, alive, wbuf)
   # returns :ignore if we yield control to the client(self)
   # returns nil if completely done
   def proxy_response_start(res, tip, kcar, req_res)
-    alive, wbuf, have_body = proxy_res_headers(res)
+    wbuf, have_body = proxy_res_headers(res, req_res)
     tip = tip.empty? ? [] : [ tip ]
     if have_body
       req_res.proxy_trailers = nil # define to avoid uninitialized warnings
-      return proxy_read_body(tip, kcar, req_res, alive, wbuf)
+      return proxy_read_body(tip, kcar, req_res, wbuf)
+    return proxy_unbuffer(wbuf) if wbuf && wbuf.body
     # all done reading response from upstream, req_res will be discarded
     # when we return nil:
-    proxy_busy_mod(wbuf, alive)
+    proxy_busy_mod(wbuf, req_res)
   rescue => e
     proxy_err_response(502, req_res, e, wbuf)
   def proxy_response_finish(kcar, wbuf, req_res)
-    alive = wbuf.wbuf_persist
-    req_res.proxy_trailers ? proxy_read_trailers(kcar, req_res, alive, wbuf)
-                           : proxy_read_body([], kcar, req_res, alive, wbuf)
+    req_res.proxy_trailers ? proxy_read_trailers(kcar, req_res, wbuf)
+                           : proxy_read_body([], kcar, req_res, wbuf)
   def proxy_wait_next(qflags)
@@ -238,23 +260,18 @@ def proxy_wait_next(qflags)
     Thread.current[:yahns_queue].queue_mod(self, qflags)
-  def proxy_busy_mod(wbuf, alive)
-    busy = wbuf.busy if wbuf
-    if busy
+  def proxy_busy_mod(wbuf, req_res)
+    if wbuf
       # we are completely done reading and buffering the upstream response,
       # but have not completely written the response to the client,
       # yield control to the client socket:
       @state = wbuf
-      proxy_wait_next(case busy
-        when :wait_readable then Yahns::Queue::QEV_RD
-        when :wait_writable then Yahns::Queue::QEV_WR
-        else
-          raise "BUG: invalid wbuf.busy: #{busy.inspect}"
-        end)
+      proxy_wait_next(wbuf.busy == :wait_readable ? Yahns::Queue::QEV_RD :
+                      Yahns::Queue::QEV_WR)
       # no touching self after proxy_wait_next, we may be running
       # HttpClient#yahns_step in a different thread at this point
-      case http_response_done(alive)
+      case http_response_done(req_res.alive)
       when :wait_readable then proxy_wait_next(Yahns::Queue::QEV_RD)
       when :wait_writable then proxy_wait_next(Yahns::Queue::QEV_WR)
       when :close then close
diff --git a/lib/yahns/req_res.rb b/lib/yahns/req_res.rb
index 3b0d298..dd4ec87 100644
--- a/lib/yahns/req_res.rb
+++ b/lib/yahns/req_res.rb
@@ -8,15 +8,29 @@
 class Yahns::ReqRes < Kgio::Socket # :nodoc:
   attr_writer :resbuf
+  attr_writer :paused
   attr_accessor :proxy_trailers
+  attr_accessor :alive
   def req_start(c, req, input, chunked)
     @hdr = @resbuf = nil
     @yahns_client = c
+    @paused = false
     @rrstate = input ? [ req, input, chunked ] : req
     Thread.current[:yahns_queue].queue_add(self, Yahns::Queue::QEV_WR)
+  def close
+    if @paused # called by wbuf_close_common as @body.close
+      @paused = false
+      # we must cleanup and set yahns_client state before queue_mod below:
+      @yahns_client.hijack_cleanup
+      Thread.current[:yahns_queue].queue_mod(self, Yahns::Queue::QEV_RD)
+    else
+      super
+    end
+  end
   def yahns_step # yahns event loop entry point
     c = @yahns_client
     case req = @rrstate
diff --git a/lib/yahns/wbuf.rb b/lib/yahns/wbuf.rb
index 1b4ce6e..e6c794a 100644
--- a/lib/yahns/wbuf.rb
+++ b/lib/yahns/wbuf.rb
@@ -30,15 +30,14 @@
 # to be a scalability issue.
 class Yahns::Wbuf # :nodoc:
   include Yahns::WbufCommon
-  attr_reader :busy
-  attr_reader :wbuf_persist
+  attr_reader :body, :busy, :wbuf_persist
   def initialize(body, persist, tmpdir, busy)
     @tmpio = nil
     @tmpdir = tmpdir
     @sf_offset = @sf_count = 0
     @wbuf_persist = persist # whether or not we keep the connection alive
-    @body = body
+    @body = body # something we call #close on when done writing
     @busy = busy # may be false
diff --git a/lib/yahns/wbuf_common.rb b/lib/yahns/wbuf_common.rb
index ee18218..cded2e3 100644
--- a/lib/yahns/wbuf_common.rb
+++ b/lib/yahns/wbuf_common.rb
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ def wbuf_close_common(client)
     if @wbuf_persist.respond_to?(:call) # hijack
       client.response_hijacked(@wbuf_persist) # :ignore
-      @wbuf_persist # true or false or Yahns::StreamFile
+      @wbuf_persist # true, false, :ignore, or Yahns::StreamFile
diff --git a/test/test_proxy_pass_no_buffering.rb 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88b7c80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_proxy_pass_no_buffering.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 all contributors <>
+# License: GPL-3.0+ (
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require_relative 'server_helper'
+  require 'kcar'
+rescue LoadError
+require 'digest/md5'
+class TestProxyPassNoBuffering < Testcase
+  ENV["N"].to_i > 1 and parallelize_me!
+  include ServerHelper
+  STR4 = 'abcd' * (256 * 1024)
+  NCHUNK = 50
+  class ProxiedApp
+    def call(env)
+      case env['REQUEST_METHOD']
+      when 'GET'
+        case env['PATH_INFO']
+        when '/giant-body'
+          h = [ %W(content-type text/pain),
+                   %W(content-length #{NCHUNK * STR4.size}) ]
+          body =
+          def body.each
+            NCHUNK.times { yield STR4 }
+          end
+          [ 200, h, body ]
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  def setup
+    @srv2 =["TEST_HOST"] || "", 0)
+    server_helper_setup
+    skip "kcar missing yahns/proxy_pass" unless defined?(Kcar)
+    require 'yahns/proxy_pass'
+  end
+  def teardown
+    @srv2.close if defined?(@srv2) && !@srv2.closed?
+    server_helper_teardown
+  end
+  def check_headers(io)
+    l = io.gets
+    assert_match %r{\AHTTP/1\.[01] 200\b}, l
+    begin
+      l = io.gets
+    end until l == "\r\n"
+  end
+  def test_proxy_pass_no_buffering
+    err, cfg, host, port = @err,, @srv.addr[3], @srv.addr[1]
+    host2, port2 = @srv2.addr[3], @srv2.addr[1]
+    pxp ="http://#{host2}:#{port2}";,
+                               proxy_buffering: false)
+    pid = mkserver(cfg) do
+      ObjectSpace.each_object(Yahns::TmpIO) { |io| io.close unless io.closed? }
+      @srv2.close
+      cfg.instance_eval do
+        app(:rack, pxp) { listen "#{host}:#{port}" }
+        stderr_path err.path
+      end
+    end
+    pid2 = mkserver(cfg, @srv2) do
+      ObjectSpace.each_object(Yahns::TmpIO) { |io| io.close unless io.closed? }
+      @srv.close
+      cfg.instance_eval do
+        app(:rack, do
+          output_buffering false
+          listen "#{host2}:#{port2}"
+        end
+        stderr_path err.path
+      end
+    end
+    s =, port)
+    req = "GET /giant-body HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n" \
+          "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"
+    s.write(req)
+    bufs = []
+    sleep 1
+    10.times do
+      sleep 0.1
+      # ensure no files get created
+      if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /\blinux\b/ && `which lsof 2>/dev/null`.size >= 4
+        deleted1 = `lsof -p #{pid}`.split("\n")
+        deleted1 = deleted1.grep(/\bREG\b.* \(deleted\)/)
+        deleted2 = `lsof -p #{pid2}`.split("\n")
+        deleted2 = deleted2.grep(/\bREG\b.* \(deleted\)/)
+        [ deleted1, deleted2 ].each do |ary|
+          ary.delete_if { |x| x =~ /\.(?:err|out) \(deleted\)/ }
+        end
+        assert_equal 1, deleted1.size, "pid1=#{deleted1.inspect}"
+        assert_equal 0, deleted2.size, "pid2=#{deleted2.inspect}"
+        bufs.push(deleted1[0])
+      end
+    end
+    before = bufs.size
+    bufs.uniq!
+    assert bufs.size < before, 'unlinked buffer should not grow'
+    buf = ''.dup
+    slow =
+    ft = do
+      fast =
+      f =, port2)
+      f.write(req)
+      b2 = ''.dup
+      check_headers(f)
+      begin
+        f.readpartial(1024 * 1024, b2)
+        fast.update(b2)
+      rescue EOFError
+        f = f.close
+      end while f
+      b2.clear
+      fast
+    end
+    Thread.abort_on_exception = true
+    check_headers(s)
+    begin
+      s.readpartial(1024 * 1024, buf)
+      slow.update(buf)
+      sleep 0.01
+    rescue EOFError
+      s = s.close
+    end while s
+    ft.join(5)
+    assert_equal slow.hexdigest, ft.value.hexdigest
+    fast =
+    f =, port)
+    f.write(req)
+    check_headers(f)
+    begin
+      f.readpartial(1024 * 1024, buf)
+      fast.update(buf)
+    rescue EOFError
+      f = f.close
+    end while f
+    buf.clear
+    assert_equal slow.hexdigest, fast.hexdigest
+  ensure
+    s.close if s
+    quit_wait(pid)
+    quit_wait(pid2)
+  end


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