Hi Arun, 

From a YARN perspective, YARN-791 and YARN-727 are 2 jiras that may potentially 
change the apis. They can implemented in a backward compat fashion if committed 
after 2.1.0. However, this will require adding of differently-named apis ( 
different urls in case of the webservices ) and make the current version of the 
api deprecated and/or obsolete. YARN-818 which is currently patch available 
also changes behavior.  

Assuming that as soon as 2.1.0 is released, we are to follow a very strict 
backward-compat retaining approach to all user-facing layers  ( 
api/webservices/rpc/... ) in common/hdfs/yarn/mapreduce, does it make sense to 
try and pull them in and roll out a new RC after they are ready? Perhaps Vinod 
can chime in if he is aware of any other such jiras under YARN-386 which should 
be considered compat-related blockers for a 2.1.0 RC. 

-- Hitesh

On Jun 26, 2013, at 1:17 AM, Arun C Murthy wrote:

> Folks,
> I've created a release candidate (rc0) for hadoop-2.1.0-beta that I would 
> like to get released.
> This release represents a *huge* amount of work done by the community (639 
> fixes) which includes several major advances including:
> # HDFS Snapshots
> # Windows support
> # YARN API stabilization
> # MapReduce Binary Compatibility with hadoop-1.x
> # Substantial amount of integration testing with rest of projects in the 
> ecosystem
> The RC is available at: 
> http://people.apache.org/~acmurthy/hadoop-2.1.0-beta-rc0/
> The RC tag in svn is here: 
> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/hadoop/common/tags/release-2.1.0-beta-rc0
> The maven artifacts are available via repository.apache.org.
> Please try the release and vote; the vote will run for the usual 7 days.
> thanks,
> Arun
> --
> Arun C. Murthy
> Hortonworks Inc.
> http://hortonworks.com/

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