+1 (Non binding)

*. dowloaded src verified signatures and successfully compiled
*. Downloaded tar.gz verified signatures  and installed a pseudo cluster.
*. Did some put and get from HDFS and it was fine.
*. Ran PI MR application and verified in ATS V1 Web ui , All were working fine

+ Naga
From: Rohith Sharma K S [rohithsharm...@huawei.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 10:09
To: yarn-dev@hadoop.apache.org; common-...@hadoop.apache.org; 
hdfs-...@hadoop.apache.org; mapreduce-...@hadoop.apache.org
Cc: Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli
Subject: RE: [VOTE] Release Apache Hadoop 2.6.2


Downloaded tar.gz, and installed 2 node HA cluster.
RMHA/RMRestart/RMWorkpreservingRestart cluster are fine.
Verified cluster for high availability.
Ran sample MR applications with RM HA enabled.
Run sanity test cases and are working fine.

Thanks & Regards
Rohith Sharma K S

-----Original Message-----
From: sjl...@gmail.com [mailto:sjl...@gmail.com] On Behalf Of Sangjin Lee
Sent: 23 October 2015 02:44
To: common-...@hadoop.apache.org; yarn-dev@hadoop.apache.org; 
hdfs-...@hadoop.apache.org; mapreduce-...@hadoop.apache.org
Cc: Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli
Subject: [VOTE] Release Apache Hadoop 2.6.2

Hi all,

I have created a release candidate (RC0) for Hadoop 2.6.2.

The RC is available at: http://people.apache.org/~sjlee/hadoop-2.6.2-RC0/

The RC tag in git is: release-2.6.2-RC0

The list of JIRAs committed for 2.6.2:

The maven artifacts are staged at

Please try out the release candidate and vote. The vote will run for 5 days.


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