Hi YARN Devs,

As we discussed in our last YARN meetup, I'm proposing to have a one-day
YARN v2 Web UI hackathon at end of May.

We can all come together, scope down and build some of the following:

- Make YARN UI work under HA and secure environments
- Make it work with fair scheduler
- Add support for partitions / node-labels
- Toggling to switch table/time-line view of all containers
- Sunburst chart (example: https://bl.ocks.org/kerryrodden/7090426) to show
usages of queues/users/apps
- Better integration of Timeline service v2
- Anything else you think is cool/useful
- Existing bugs and UI enhancements

As part of this, existing contributors working on the YARN UI will provide
resources on how to build stuff, examples and all the hand-holding needed.

The goal is to (a) use the time to understand new YARN web UI and improve
it (b) make new YARN UI to be ready to merge back to trunk.

I can host this at Hortonworks HQ office in Santa Clara and can take care
of place, logistics, pizza / drinks etc.

How about we do this on May 26 (Thu)? [May 30th is memorial day]

If you have interest to join the hackathon, please reply the mail and let
me know your thoughts on this proposal.

- Wangda

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