Thanks Sangjin, Daniel, and Arun for your positive feedback.

Sangjin - filed HADOOP-13821 to track the findbugs work.

Arun - A synchronous approach would benefit with locking, but might lead to
delay in processing apps that do not require a preemption to satisfy their
request. Offline, you had also suggested using a PriorityQueue (instead of
a plan BlockingQueue) to track starved applications in FSStarvedApps. Filed
YARN-5893 for the same. And, on the nit about method names, I have updated
it on YARN-5885.

Daniel is reviewing YARN-5885. And, Jenkins seems to be okay with the uber
patch on YARN-4752.

I will start the VOTE thread for merge as soon as YARN-5885 goes in.


On Wed, Nov 16, 2016 at 11:06 AM, Arun Suresh <> wrote:

> +1 from me too.
> minor nit:
> * In FSAppAttempt, maybe rename addPreemption(container) /
> removePreemption(container) to something better.
> Also, had an offline discussion with Karthik. Suggested to maybe
> experiment with replacing the PreemptionThread with a synchronous
> preemption approach. For eg. Maybe keep adding to the FSStarvedApps and
> when it reaches a threshold, trigger a preemption. It would likely avoid
> race conditions and reduce synchronization costs.. but am ok with trying
> this out and experimenting in follow up JIRAs.
> Cheers
> -Arun
> On Tue, Nov 15, 2016 at 1:43 PM, Daniel Templeton <>
> wrote:
>> +1 from me, but no surprise since I was the branch reviewer.
>> Aside from being functionally superior to the existing code, this branch
>> is also cleaner and better tested code.  We did our best to make sure that
>> the patches were high quality and all the testing bases were covered.
>> To add to Karthik's points, YARN-5819 was committed early this morning,
>> and the JIRA for his TODO bullet is YARN-5885.
>> Daniel
>> On 11/10/16 6:19 PM, Karthik Kambatla wrote:
>>> Forgot to mention
>>>     - All the patches were reviewed before getting committed to the
>>> branch.
>>>     - The changes are strictly internal to the scheduler. Most of it is
>>>     limited to FairScheduler with minimal changes adding helper methods
>>> to
>>>     common scheduler code.
>>> On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 4:46 PM, Karthik Kambatla <>
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi folks
>>>> We have been working on overhauling FairScheduler preemption on branch
>>>> YARN-4572. It is close to being ready for merge to trunk:
>>>>     1. Preemption considers individual ResourceRequests to satisfy.
>>>>     (YARN-5605)
>>>>     2. Preemption now works within a leaf queue and across sibling leaf
>>>>     queues. (YARN-5605)
>>>>     3. Comprehensive unit tests for app starvation and preemption -
>>>>     minshare and fairshare. (YARN-5783 and YARN-5819, the latter is
>>>> close to
>>>>     commit)
>>>>     4. TODO: Clean up the TODOs to remove my initials and replace them
>>>>     with appropriate JIRAs.
>>>> There are some unresolved sub-tasks in the umbrella JIRA, but none of
>>>> them
>>>> are regressions in the new implementation.
>>>> I just uploaded the cumulative patch to YARN-4752 for Jenkins
>>>> verification
>>>> and will follow up on any issues that come up.
>>>> Would like to hear your thoughts on the merge.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Karthik
>>>> PS: Post facto, I feel a feature branch was unnecessary for this work.
>>>> Github PRs with multiple commits for ease of review would have been
>>>> enough.
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