Thanks Allen. You are right, the github renderer does have trouble
rendering the headers. I was only looking at the html generated by mvn
site, which did not have trouble rendering them. Anyway I added a space
after all the hashes and it looks ok through github now.


On 9/5/17, 3:20 PM, "Allen Wittenauer" <> wrote:

>> On Sep 5, 2017, at 3:12 PM, Gour Saha <> wrote:
>> 2) Lots of markdown problems in the document.
>> This includes things like Œyarnsite.xml¹ (missing a dash.)
>> The md patch uploaded to YARN-5244 had some special chars. I fixed those
>> in YARN-7161.
>       It’s a lot more than just special chars I think.  Even github (which has
>a way better markdown processor than what we’re using for the site docs)
>is having trouble rendering it:
>e.g., all of those ‘###’ are likely missing a space.

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