Hi Eric,

> If we're not using patches on JIRA anymore, why are we using JIRA at all?

JIRA issues contain useful information in the fields. We are leveraging
them in development and release process.

> Using JIRA to then redirect to GitHub seems unintuitive and will fracture
the information between two different places.

Agreed that it's ideal to have all the information in one place, but the
pre commit jobs for JIRA have some limitations (
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HADOOP-17798) and I don't want to
maintain the jobs anymore.

> I think this deserves some attention.

Yes, but the developers don't seem to look at the JIRA issue or read the
discussion thread. That's why I sent the [NOTICE] mail.

> we completely changed the way

Really? Most of the Hadoop developers currently use GitHub PR for code

> I'm concerned that the decision was made without community
support/consensus and without a vote thread

The background is to reduce my workload for maintaining the precommit jobs
and to improve the process. I didn't think we needed a vote.
Anyway, the change is a 2-way door decision, I'm okay to revert the change
and start a discussion & vote.


On Fri, Apr 1, 2022 at 2:02 AM Eric Badger <ebad...@yahooinc.com> wrote:

> I think this deserves some attention. More than just the question of JIRA
> vs GitHub Issues, I'm a little concerned that we completely changed the way
> we post code changes without a vote thread or even a discussion thread that
> had a clear outcome. The previous thread ([DISCUSS] Tips for improving
> productivity, workflow in the Hadoop project?) had many committers giving
> opinions on the matter, but it never came to conclusion and just sat there
> with no traffic for months. The way I read the previous thread was that
> committers were proposing that we clean out stale PRs, not that we turn
> off JIRA patches/Precommit builds.
> I'm not necessarily saying that we should go with patches vs GitHub PRs,
> but I'm concerned that the decision was made without community
> support/consensus and without a vote thread (not sure if that's necessary
> for this type of change or not).
> Eric
> On Mon, Mar 28, 2022 at 1:18 PM Eric Badger <ebad...@yahooinc.com> wrote:
>> If we're not using patches on JIRA anymore, why are we using JIRA at all?
>> Why don't we just use GitHub Issues? Using JIRA to then redirect to GitHub
>> seems unintuitive and will fracture the information between two different
>> places. Do the conversations happen on JIRA or on a GitHub PR? Having
>> conversations on both is confusing and splitting information. I would
>> rather use JIRA with patches or GitHub Issues with PRs. I think anything in
>> between splits information and makes it hard to find.
>> Eric
>> On Sun, Mar 27, 2022 at 1:25 PM Akira Ajisaka <aajis...@apache.org>
>> wrote:
>>> Dear Hadoop developers,
>>> I've disabled the Precommit-(HADOOP|HDFS|MAPREDUCE|YARN)-Build jobs.
>>> If you attach a patch to a JIRA issue, the Jenkins precommit job won't
>>> run.
>>> Please use GitHub PR for code review.
>>> Background:
>>> -
>>> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HADOOP-17798__;!!Op6eflyXZCqGR5I!Swsnm6LmEvbzZPTXn9xJuCkXtLBzb7zHkK2P_Cw-dH5K2IwoSEzQBC2oQG0D$
>>> -
>>> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://lists.apache.org/thread/6g3n4wo3b3tpq2qxyyth3y8m9z4mcj8p__;!!Op6eflyXZCqGR5I!Swsnm6LmEvbzZPTXn9xJuCkXtLBzb7zHkK2P_Cw-dH5K2IwoSEzQBHA0JrdK$
>>> Thanks and regards,
>>> Akira

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