Hey all,

I have created a preview Hadoop release with version 3.3.7-aws. This is
based on the Hadoop 3.3 branch, with only the changes required for
upgrading the hadoop-aws module to AWS Java SDK V2, and adding S3 Express
One Zone support.

The release artifacts are available at:

Note: hadoop-3.3.7-aws.tar.gz was too big to be uploaded with the SDK
bundle, so the bundle has been removed from the tar. To test, you can
download SDK bundle 2.21.33 from here
<https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/software.amazon.awssdk/bundle/2.21.33> ,
and copy it to hadoop-3.3.7-aws/share/hadoop/tools/lib.

The maven artifacts are staged at:

You can find my public key at:

Change log

Release notes

The upgrade to SDK V2 brings major changes to the hadoop-aws module, and we
have been working on stabilising as tracked in HADOOP-18886
<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HADOOP-18886> .

It would be really helpful if people could start building and testing with
this preview release and report any issues to that stabilisation JIRA.


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