Thank you all for your interest in this topic!

In my opinion, upgrading is very beneficial. Based on the roadmap for Spark
4.0, we can see that JDK8/JDK11 is no longer the default version.
Therefore, I believe it is important for us to fully support
JDK11/JDK17/JDK21 in Hadoop.

>From the information I have gathered, we currently do not have full support
for JDK11. I think it is necessary for us to address this issue first and
gradually move towards supporting JDK17.

I'd like to hear other members' opinions.

I am willing to start this work to make hadoop support JDK11 and JDK17
after the release of hadoop-3.4.0.

Before that, we need to hear the opinions of other team members.

CC: @Xiaoqiao He <> @Ayush Saxena <> <> @Takanobu Asanuma


From:"Battula, Brahma Reddy"< >;

Date:2024/2/7 15:45

To:"bilwa st"< >;"Hadoop Common"< >;"Hdfs-dev"< >;
"yarn-dev"< >;"mapreduce-dev"< >;

Subject:Re: JDK17 support for Hadoop

Thanks, Bilwa, for bringing up the issue of JDK17 support for Hadoop.

It's true that we need to have pipelines for JDK17 builds, and it's good to
see that some Jira’s are already in progress to support it.

We may need to check with the infrastructure team as well. Does anyone else
have any thoughts or concerns on this?

It seems like this topic is not very active.

From: bilwa st
Date: Monday, February 5, 2024 at 13:22
To: Hadoop Common , Hdfs-dev , yarn-dev , mapreduce-dev
Subject: Jdk17
Hi folks,

This is regarding jdk17 pending work to be done. Can we have a new pipeline
for jdk17 builds? I can see that all jira's under HADOOP-17177 which got
merged are not run on jdk17 as of now. It would be helpful if we have
dedicated pipeline.


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