On Mon, 12 Feb 2024 at 15:32, slfan1989 <slfan1...@apache.org> wrote:

> Note, because the arm64 binaries are built separately on a different
> platform and JVM, their jar files may not match those of the x86
> release -and therefore the maven artifacts. I don't think this is
> an issue (the ASF actually releases source tarballs, the binaries are
> there for help only, though with the maven repo that's a bit blurred).
> The only way to be consistent would actually untar the x86.tar.gz,
> overwrite its binaries with the arm stuff, retar, sign and push out
> for the vote.

that's exactly what the "arm.release" target in my client-validator does.
builds an arm tar with the x86 binaries but the arm native libs, signs it.

> Even automating that would be risky.
automating is the *only* way to do it; apache ant has everything needed for
this including the ability to run gpg.

we did this on the relevant 3.3.x releases and nobody has yet complained...

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