On Fri, Aug 09, 2013 at 04:58:22PM +0200, David Majda wrote:
> Hi,
> Dne 7.8.2013 12:01, Arvin Schnell napsal(a):>
> > Hi,
> >
> > I would like to use some classes in the converted ruby code but I
> > have problems with function lookup.
> >
> > [...]
> >
> > So what's the correct way here?
> I didn't examine your patch in detail, but it seems to me that you are 
> mixing Ruby concepts (classes, modules) with ones inherited from YaST 
> (mainly includes). My general recommendations are the following:
>   * If you create a new class, put it into a separate file, don't make
>     it inherit from anything in Yast:: and don't make it part of any
>     YaST client, module or include. That will ensure separation of
>     concepts. One class per file is also usual convention in Ruby world.

Where should the new file be placed and how do I "include" it?
Remember, I'm new to Ruby.

>   * If you need to use a YaST module in your class, then just import it
>     and use it -- that should work well.

With Yast.import, right?

>   * If you need to use a YaST include in the class, include it via Ruby
>     include as a Ruby module and call its initialize_* method (if any)
>     manually in the constructor.
>     You correctly note that this is ugly. The better way is probably to
>     extract the include functionality you need into a separate Ruby
>     class/module, use it in your class, and just delegate to the
>     extracted part in the include.

That sound like it involves moving lots of code, more or less all
ep-*.rb files. And even then all calls to the extracted functions
must be changed to include a namespace, e.g. from doit() to
Foo.doit(). Since all mistakes only show up at runtime that's

>   * If you need to use any part of Ruby bindings (e.g. UI shortcuts) in
>     your class, just include the appropriate module. This may lead to
>     some duplication if you do it in many classes, which we will
>     probably need to address soon (in order to prevent everybody doing
>     his own thing).

I would do so in a dozen of classes.

Thanks for the help, but I think for the near future I have to
put my ideas on ice.

ciao Arvin

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