
Cadres according to Mao anyone who "indulge in irresponsible criticism  
in private instead of actively putting forward one's suggestions to  
the organization. To say nothing to people to their faces but to  
gossip behind their backs, or to say nothing at a meeting but to  
gossip afterwards its one of the forms liberalism. Terror Lekota as a  
seasoned comrade was suppose to engage the current Nec of the ANC and  
engage in what he recently and continues to engage on i.e to engage  
our leadership in private meetings and media briefings.

What is it that Terror is really teaching new cadres in the movement,  
you can’t just go to the media and cry foul with the intention of  
receiving sympathy from the masses. ANC LIVES ANC LEADS. No other  
organisation will beat us in the polls even the ANGRY PARTY as comrade  
President of the ANCYL stated.

Mao continues and say "to indulge in personal attacks (which Terror  
engaged in prior polokwane, directing it cde Jacob Zuma), pick  
quarrels, vent personal spite or seek revenge(which Terror is  
currently doing assisted by Willie Madisha) instead of entering into  
an argument and struggling against incorrect views for the sake of  
unity or progress or getting the work done properly,this according to  
Mao is another manifestation of Liberalism.

Terror is angry and he must go to his house and sleep over it and stop  
using ANC structures to campaign for this ANGRY PARTY. I urge all  
comrades not only to resist this cancer, but cure because we cannot  
fold our arms while people ignorantly and naively are committing  
political suicide. Che says the
responsibility of a revolutionary is to defend the revolution from  
attack whether from outside or within, which Terror and his cronies  
are doing. We wrongly assumed that there is a positive correlation  
between biological growth,
intellectual growth and political growth in this case Terror only grew  
biologically but not politically, Cde in the NEC were suppose to  
organise continuous political education classes for Terror to build  
him politically, I also blame SASCO for not having introduced  TERROR  
to the ABC of SASCO this was going to assist him in understanding  
organisational issues and to act as a disciplined Cadre of the movement.

Terror thinks that we are confused but we are convinced that ANC is  
and will remain to be the ruling party in government.

Socialism in our lifetime.

YCL CHAIRPERSON (University of Pretoria)
Nicholas Zwane

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