Hi Paul!

First, yum is always run from superuser.  You can also run it using
sudo but you have to have modified your sudoers file enabling your
user name to have the same status to access and implement root level
commands for a limited amount of time.

Second, please look carefully on this page:

Notice the operating system columns please notice that although there
is a version of their software running for the PowerPC under the Mac
operating system; the software versions they offer is only for x86 or
Intel based Linux variants.  YDL is a PowerPC based Linux only.

This means that you cannot used their pre-packaged version of their

However, I did find the page which contains their source which you
can download, uncompress, compile and install within YDL.  That page
is here: http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/sah_porting.php/

If you, need further assistance -- write back.

Here's a better resource.  You'll have to still download, compile
and install the source youself but a lot of the other requisite
work has been done for you.  Refer to this site:

All the best...

On Wed, 9 Sep 2009 14:07:56 -0400
Paul Gregory <bentarmill...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I installed YDL 6.1 on my PS3 model CECHA.
> Now lets see how responsive he YDL crowd is.
> When trying to install SETI at Home using the instructions from
> their web site I ge the following error
> yum install boinc-client boinc-manager
> Loading "installonlyn" plugin
> Config Error: Error accessing file for config
> file://///etc/yum.repos.d/yellowdog-updates.repo
> using Gedit I tried to view the repository file but get a
> permissions error.  Should I be calling YUM from the GUI or black
> screen using root ?
> thanks in advance
> Paul Gregory

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