On Sat, 19 Dec 2009 19:54:14 +0100
"Celine-Alexander M. Preiss" <fam.pre...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> HI,
> I just got e friend to install
> yellow dog (I think he installed vers. 6.1) on my old PS3, all seems
> to work fine, except the following:
> A) Bluetooth used to communicate with the
> wireless keyboard does not work.
> B) WLAN with WEP security
> enabled, does not seem to work.
> How should we proceed to get
> the Bluetooth keyboard option to work, anny one that have managed to
> get this to work?
Update your YDL installation by first going into superuser or
root mode by starting the Terminal within YDL.  You'll know you are in
root or superuser mode when you see #.  Next start yum to find the
bluetooth software you need.  Here's an example done on my own YDL

[agu...@arakus ~]$ su 
[r...@arakus aguila]# yum info "*bluetooth*"
Loading "installonlyn" plugin
extras              100% |=========================|  951 B 00:00
updates             100% |=========================|  951 B 00:00
base                100% |=========================| 1.1 kB 00:00
Available Packages Name   : gnome-bluetooth Arch   : ppc Version: 0.7.0
Release: 10.2
Size   : 242 k
Repo   : base
Summary: GNOME Bluetooth Subsystem
This package contains a Bonobo server to control Bluetooth devices,
and a simple GUI to explore which devices are available
(gnome-bluetooth-manager).  Also, an OBEX server is available,
gnome-obex-server.  This will receive files sent via Bluetooth to your
PC, and save them in your home directory.

Name   : gnome-bluetooth-devel
Arch   : ppc
Version: 0.7.0
Release: 10.2
Size   : 10 k
Repo   : base
Summary: Files for the development of applications, which use
gnome-bluetooth Description:
This package contains the files for the development of applications,
which will use gnome-bluetooth.

Name   : gnome-bluetooth-libs
Arch   : ppc
Version: 0.7.0
Release: 10.2
Size   : 78 k
Repo   : base
Summary: Libraries for applications, which use gnome-bluetooth
This package contains the libraries for applications, which use

Name   : nautilus-sendto-bluetooth
Arch   : ppc
Version: 0.7
Release: 6
Size   : 10 k
Repo   : base
Summary: Nautilus integration for Bluetooth
A nautilus-sendto plugin for sending files via Bluetooth.

Name   : pulseaudio-module-bluetooth
Arch   : ppc
Version: 0.9.10
Release: 1.el5.1
Size   : 23 k
Repo   : extras
Summary: Bluetooth proximity support for the PulseAudio sound server
Contains a module that can be used to automatically turn down the
volume if a bluetooth mobile phone leaves the proximity or turn it up
again if it enters the proximity again

[r...@arakus aguila]# 

The * is a wildcard symbol instructing the computer to accept any
combination of characters forming a name - a quick means to save a lot
of typing.  In this case, you see the various bluetooth software which
is available to be downloaded and installed.  If the software was
installed in your system already it was say installed in the Repo field.

Let's say the gnome bluetooth libraries make the most sense given what
you are trying to do.  Then do:

[r...@arakus aguila]# yum install "gnom*bl*"
Loading "installonlyn" plugin
Setting up Install Process
Parsing package install arguments
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package gnome-bluetooth-libs.ppc 0:0.7.0-10.2 set to be updated
---> Package gnome-bluetooth-devel.ppc 0:0.7.0-10.2 set to be updated
---> Package gnome-bluetooth.ppc 0:0.7.0-10.2 set to be updated
--> Processing Dependency: libbtctl-devel for package:
gnome-bluetooth-devel --> Processing Dependency: libopenobex.so.1 for
package: gnome-bluetooth --> Processing Dependency: libbtctl.so.2 for
package: gnome-bluetooth-libs --> Processing Dependency: libbtctl.so.2
for package: gnome-bluetooth --> Restarting Dependency Resolution with
new changes. --> Running transaction check
---> Package openobex.ppc 0:1.3-3.1 set to be updated
---> Package libbtctl.ppc 0:0.6.0-9.2 set to be updated
---> Package libbtctl-devel.ppc 0:0.6.0-9.2 set to be updated

Dependencies Resolved

 Package                 Arch       Version          Repository
gnome-bluetooth         ppc        0.7.0-10.2       base 242 k
gnome-bluetooth-devel   ppc        0.7.0-10.2       base 10 k
gnome-bluetooth-libs    ppc        0.7.0-10.2       base 78 k
Installing for dependencies: 
libbtctl                ppc        0.6.0-9.2        base 50 k
libbtctl-devel          ppc        0.6.0-9.2        base 48 k 
openobex                ppc        1.3-3.1          base 22 k

Transaction Summary
Install      6 Package(s)         
Update       0 Package(s)         
Remove       0 Package(s)         

Total download size: 449 k
Is this ok [y/N]: 

Answer either yes or no and yum will find, list and install all
associated programs for you.  Your keyboard should work afterwards.

However, as I don't have a PS3 you may feel more comfortable
participating on the YDL Board.  Here's a link to one page which may be


> How should we proceed (in the PS3) to get
> the WLAN connection to run with WEP security?

Let's assume that you know how to setup your router so that it
transmits either WPA, WEP or something else.  The recommendations I've
read regarding wireless security advise that WPA2 or WPA2-PSK be
implemented as they are harder to crack.  Also remember to setup your
router's firewall.  Regarding getting the settings running from within
YDL on a PS3 another link to the YDL Board may be helpful:


May you have a wonderful celebration during the holidays and New Year!
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