Mauro wrote...

pay attention that "openssl passwd ${ROOT_PASSWORD}" command handles only 
passwords up to 8 characters (the extra characters will be truncated and the generated 
hash is for the first eight).

If you want to use more than 8 characters in the password, use another password algorithm 
instead of the default one. You can see other supported algorithms typing "openssl 
help passwd".

For example, command could become

    openssl passwd -6 ${ROOT_PASSWORD}

I tried this out on a build that I am working on for which I needed to add a root password and to create a non-root user with a password.

If I use:

EXTRA_USERS_PARAMS += "usermod -p `openssl passwd -6 ${ROOT_PASSWORD}` root;”

When I try to login to the device it rejects the password that was defined as ROOT_PASSWORD. If I remove the “-6” from the openssl command and rebuild/deploy the image then I can login to the target as expected. Is there something else that needs to be defined/included in the Yocto configuration in order for the “-6” option to work?


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