On Thu, 2022-12-01 at 11:09 +0100, Alexander Kanavin wrote:
> And this is the commit that did this:
> https://git.phytec.de/meta-phytec/commit/conf/layer.conf?id=8261e896d2b43211e7377feb38e919336d47c39f
> Shame on you, phytec. Shame on you. What you do in your layers perhaps
> doesn't matter so much, but you also give everyone a bad example to
> follow.

That commit really is not in the spirit of things and I'm not happy
people are doing that. I'd not be surprised if that stopped working

We had a huge problem with unmaintained layers where it was unclear
which releases a master branch worked or had been tested with. An
actively maintained layer should have no problem with updating this a
couple of times a year. If that is an issue, it isn't actively
maintained and it makes that clear.


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