Hi Rudolf,

Rudolf J Streif <rudolf.str...@ibeeto.com> escreveu no dia quarta,
22/03/2023 à(s) 16:58:

> I have a vendor project which uses CMake FetchContent.
> It's simple to override FETCHCONTENT_FULLY_DISCONNECTED=ON which is set
> in the cmake class. However, that does not fix the issue since network
> isolation prevents the CMake from downloading the content.
> I have not found a way to override the network isolation. Is there one?

please try in a recipe bbappend with

do_configure[network] = "1"


> Now this is not a discussion about whether FetchContent or not is a good
> idea and any potential other issues that could arise from using it. For
> me it's to quickly enable a functionality without jumping through hoops
> of patching the vendor sources etc.
> Cheers,
> Rudi

Best regards,

José Quaresma
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