On 2023-06-12 07:33, Rostanin Gleb SBR DIRCS wrote:


I did the following steps:

  * Rename recipe file name to snort_3.1.62.0.bb
  * Changed line 9 “SRC_URI = “…/snort/${BP}.tar.gz”” to
  * Added correct snort3 sha256sum in line 17
  * Added correct MD5 checksum of the snort tar ball in line 5

The following error occurs in “0001-libpcap … headers.patch” file:

/ERROR: Applying patch '0001-libpcap-search-sysroot-for-headers.patch' on target directory '/home/user/fsl-auto-yocto-bsp/build_s32g274ardb2/tmp/work/cortexa53-crypto-fsl-linux/snort/'/

/CmdError('quilt --quiltrc /home/user/fsl-auto-yocto-bsp/build_s32g274ardb2/tmp/work/cortexa53-crypto-fsl-linux/snort/ push', 0, "stdout: Applying patch 0001-libpcap-search-sysroot-for-headers.patch/

/can't find file to patch at input line 21/

/Perhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?/


As the patches are not written for snort 3 I tried again but deleted the patches from the “.bb” file. Now the following error occurs:

/DEBUG: Executing python function autotools_aclocals
DEBUG: SITE files ['endian-little', 'bit-64', 'arm-common', 'arm-64', 'common-linux', 'common-glibc', 'aarch64-linux', 'common']
DEBUG: Python function autotools_aclocals finished
DEBUG: Executing shell function do_compile
NOTE: make -j 6
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
ERROR: oe_runmake failed
WARNING: exit code 1 from a shell command.///

Now I am not sure where and at which point the make file should be created and why it is missing. Could you give some tips on how to transfer this recipe to an snort 3 recipe?

It looks like snort 2.x uses Autotools for setup, while 3.x uses CMake instead. You would have to adjust the recipe so that it uses the latter and passes the correct build flags for the "default" snort configuration (I'm not sure what those would be). You may also need to spend some time making sure that the changes provided by those deleted patches aren't still required somewhere in the new source files.

If you do 'grep -r "inherit cmake"' on openembedded-core/meta, you can find many examples of other recipes that use CMake for building that you could use as references.

Thank you for reading

G. Rostanin

*Von:*Trevor Gamblin <tgamb...@baylibre.com>
*Gesendet:* Freitag, 9. Juni 2023 18:25
*An:* Rostanin Gleb SBR DIRCS <gleb.rosta...@zf.com>; yocto@lists.yoctoproject.org
*Betreff:* Re: [yocto] Snort 2.9 into Snort 3 recipe

On 2023-06-09 10:05, Rostanin Gleb SBR DIRCS wrote:

    Hello OpenEmbedded Community,

    currently I am working on implementing the Snort IDS on an
    embedded system with the Yocto Linux OS. As OpenEmbedded already
    provides a recipe for Snort 2.9 it is easy to install snort into
    the OS. Unfortunately, it is not easy to change the recipe so that
    the new Snort 3 version is installed. I tried to change the git
    repo link and the checksum (as a simple solution try), but
    unfortunately, I ran into multiple errors, and I am not sure at
    which point I need to make further changes. As I could understand,
    also a few changes to the source code of Snort must be done to
    make it work on the Yocto OS.

    Was someone already successful in implementing a recipe to install
    the newer Snort 3 version directly on Yocto? What do I have to
    change in the Snort 2.9 recipe to install the Snort 3 version?

The errors you're seeing when you try to build Snort 3 should provide a clue. If you post those, someone may be able to provide further suggestions.


    Of course, another solution could be cross compiling Snort for the
    embedded system, but maybe there is already a solution for this.

    I happy about any help or comment on this topic!

    Kind regards

    G. Rostanin

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