Hi list,

If I have two recipes, see following. Both of them provides
"virtual/test" and has package named "test-test", the only difference is
the RDEPENDS of the package "test-test".


PROVIDES = "virtual/test"
PACKAGES = "test-test"
# Assume that the abcd package are provided by recipe abcd.bb
RDEPENDS_test-test = "abcd"


PROVIDES = "virtual/test"
PACKAGES = "test-test"

In a certain configuration file, we have the PREFERRED_PROVIDER set as:
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/test = "test-a".

Then if a real recipe, for example, the 'v86d', depends on the
DEPENDS = "virtual/test"

Finally if I run the following command:
# bitbake v86d

We know that the recipe "abcd" will be included in the runqueue.

My question is, can we get the build dependency to recipe "abcd" through
taskdata? Or it is finalized until we create the RunQueue object?

Thanks for help!
-- Dongxiao

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