On 4/11/12 10:14 AM, Xu, Dongxiao wrote:
Hi Mark,

I met a strange issue while using RPM to generate the rootfs.

In the installation list, if we have 2 RPM packages, say A.rpm and
B.rpm. package A RDEPENDS on package B. While installing the two
packages? Does RPM ensures to install B first and then install A?

The real issue is: we have certain packages that need to run
useradd/groupadd at rootfs time, for example, the dbus. However the
useradd/groupadd bbclass RDEPENDS on base-files, which provides
the /etc/group file. While installing the final image, sometimes we saw
it installs dbus firstly and then base-files, causing the
useradd/groupadd script error since it could not find /etc/group file.

it does enforce install order, however the /etc/group, /etc/passwd files (last time I checked) were being put into place by the post install scripts. The scripting order is handled somewhat independently of the package install order. (post install scripts get delayed intentionally for performance reasons. There is a way to hint a dependency for them as well...)

The passwd/group files are fairly unique files, and generally are installed -first- (individually) before any other packages on most RPM installations. After that the methods and install ordering works...


I tried ipk and it doesn't have problem since it ensures to install
base-files firstly.

Any comment is welcome.


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