Yeah, Robert,

You found a bug in bitbake.
In the fetch code, local directory /home/rpjday/dl/gtk+-2.24.8.tar.bz2 is 
decoded as /home/rpjday/dl/gtk%2B-2.24.8.tar.bz2 by
newuri = uri_replace(origud, find, replace, ld), which is line 480 in 
And later on it is checked whether or not existed by
if not os.path.exists(newpath) and path.find("*") == -1:, which is line 61 in 

Actually the directory /home/rpjday/dl/gtk+-2.24.8.tar.bz2 is there, but 
/home/rpjday/dl/gtk%2B-2.24.8.tar.bz2 can't be found by bitbake code. That is 
the problem. Therefore, Gtk+ shouldn't be decoded as gtk%2B.

I am not familiar with the whole fetch code and hope someone else can correct 
it, so can you please file a bug first?


Robert P. J. Day wrote onĀ 2012-06-04:

> On Sun, 3 Jun 2012, Robert P. J. Day wrote:
>>   for a yocto talk to my local LUG later this week, i want to build
>> a simple core-image-sato image for qemux86 and, for quite some time,
>> i've kept a local download directory for tarballs, and taken
>> advantage of it with this in all of my local.conf files:
>> SOURCE_MIRROR_URL ?= "file:///home/rpjday/dl/"
>> INHERIT += "own-mirrors"
>> # BB_NO_NETWORK = "1"
>>   obviously, as i notice newer tarballs getting downloaded, i'll
>> just copy them into ~/dl so it doesn't happen again.  works fine,
>> except today with gtk+-2.24.8.tar.bz2 which, even after i made a
>> copy of it in ~/dl, the build still *insists* on downloading it from
>>   i don't see any obvious problem -- the checksum of the tarball
>> appears correct, it's a regular file, the tarball downloaded is
>> *exactly* the same as the one i've saved in ~/dl and yet, of all the
>> tarballs i have stashed away there, that one is the *only* one that
>> is downloaded each time.
>   ok, i'm baffled and getting thoroughly annoyed here.  i started from
> absolute scratch, configured to build for qemux86, then did
>   $ bitbake -c fetchall core-image-sato
> while pointing at my massive directory of tarballs which includes
> gtk+-2.24.8.tar.bz2.  every required tarball is accessed (via symlink)
> from my ~/dl directory, *except* for that incredibly irritating
> gtk+-2.24.8.tar.bz2 tarball, which is downloaded by the "fetchall"
> command *every* *single* *time*.
>   i've verified that tarball is there.  i've verified its md5 and
> sha256 checksums.  i'm out of ideas.
>   what am i doing wrong?
> rday

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