On Tue, 26 Jun 2012, Rifenbark, Scott M wrote:

> Thanks all - I enjoyed the rant.  The obvious point is that the FAQ
> needs attention.  A good thing to do would be if you have a question
> that you would like included in a "good" FAQ, such as the one
> mentioned by Robert about how to add a single package, put the
> question up on this list or actually submit a patch to the list.
> As this little discussion thread noted, the FAQ was initially
> created when the project launched and I think much of it revolved
> around trying to answer the general "What the hell is Yocto anyway"
> question.  I think we have moved into a "how do I do this" type of
> phase now and the FAQ should have more of those types of entries.
> That is not to say that questions about the Yocto Project in general
> should be deleted.
> I will put some attention on the FAQ to try and inject a bit of
> value into it.

  since the ubiquitous reaction to complaining about something is
always, "don't just whine, do something about it," i'm doing that.
i've started a personal yocto FAQ, based on questions either i've
asked myself, or colleagues or clients have asked me, and i'm posting
them here (obviously a work in progress, typed in over the last hour):


  i'm collecting questions that clearly belong in a "how do i do X?"
FAQ and, even if i don't know the answer, i'm still going to add the
question to remind me to *find* the answer.

  if you want to add a question and answer (or even just a question
because you *want* to know the answer), drop me a note -- that wiki is
not world-writable and never will be.

  anyway, back to work ...



Robert P. J. Day                                 Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA

Twitter:                                       http://twitter.com/rpjday
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