Whilst I appreciate people are concentrating on 1.3, we do also need to
think about planning 1.4.


is seeded with the 1.4/Future targeted enhancement requests from the
bugzilla. This is currently unsorted/unprocessed other than some guesses
from the triage team and I doubt we can actually do everything listed
there but there are plenty of good ideas.

If people can see anything that is missing from those lists which they
think is something we should consider working on in 1.4, I'd recommend
filing enhancement requests in the bugzilla so they're included in the

In about a week's time, I'll be sitting down with this list and talking
with the project stakeholders about what resources are available and
which tasks we could use those resources on and generally figure out
what we're going to target in 1.4. If there are resources available I'm
unaware of, please do talk to me btw! :)

Equally, I'd also ask that if there are things you're planning to do in
the 1.4 timescale, please indicate this with an entry in the bugzilla
which you take ownership of, give a rough time estimation/ETA of and set
the status to ACCEPTED. This tells others that you're working on
something and gives us an idea of what changes to expect and when. This
is useful for planning things like demos and the beta testing.

Questions are more than welcome, as is feedback about this process.



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