On 02/12/12 22:51, Scott Garman wrote:
> Robert Day has brought up an inconsistency in the way we append to
> BBPATH within a couple of our layer.conf files.
> In meta-hob, meta-yocto-bsp, and meta-intel, we do:
> but in meta-yocto, we do:
> Unless someone explains to me that it's necessary to use this different
> ordering in meta-yocto's layer.conf, I will submit a patch to make this
> more consistent.

This meta-yocto setup is intentional (there was thread about that a
while back). meta-yocto is a distro layer, and for any distro layer it
is reasonable to enforce its own precedence over any other layers is may
use, and meta-yocto chooses to do this. Non-distro layers, including all
bsp layers, are expected to always use an append operation so that they
can be stacked together.


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