On Thursday, 13 December 2012 at 21:10, Chris Tapp wrote:
> I've got an X application that uses gstreamer to capture frames from video 
> files and display them using GLES textures.
> This works fine for webm and flv files, but if I try and use mp4 (or avi) 
> then I get no frames. I'm not seeing any gstreamer errors, but the console 
> shows:
> libva: VA_API version 0.32.1
> libva: va_getDriverName() returns 0
> libva: Trying to open /usr/lib/dri/pvr_drv_video.so
> libva: va_openDriver() returns 0
> 1) I'm building under 'danny' for cedartrail with PVR.
> 2) The pvr_drv_video.so file mentioned above exists.
> 3) The same gstreamer pipeline works fine on my host build system.
> 4) I'm fairly sure the required gstreamer plugins are present.

To verify (4) which is obviously fairly important, can you confirm that a 
simple playbin will play the videos correctly on the CedarTrail?

It's possible that you've got some horrible GLES/VA interaction, specifically 
the download from VA-land to however you're getting the video into the 
textures.  Speaking of which, how are you getting from frames to textures?


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